Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Love vs Boredom

I'll reveal to you something very vulnerable and embarrassing, but all at once very familiar and normal.  Yesterday I was so bored and lazy.  Two very terrible feelings to let loose, and I suggest when they begin to creep up then shove them back down and do something, anything to prevent those beasts from mauling your day (as they did mine, leaving me feeling quite ...well, mauled).

For example, know when boredom is most likely to strike (not having plans, not having anything particularly interesting to do), and be prepared to meet Lazy, Boredom's best friend.  So then, if you know what will lead to boredom, make prior arrangements to at least have a few (more than one or two) chances of escaping it's terror on your day.  If you're like me, and you have found most things have easily lost their wonder (sadly, though the wonder always returns sporadically), then do something nice for someone you love.  Something that has a nice "wow" factor.  Go way, way out of your way to give love to someone, and remember that this is oddly a gift to yourself as well.  You want to escape being mauled by boredom, and the best way to counteract boredom is to do something highly productive.  A sure way of producing a good result is in giving love to someone.  Of course you can love yourself by going shopping or sleeping in or doing something/anything for yourself, but you run the risk of disappointment, I'm speaking from personal results.  It's always a gamble when I do something for myself, but it's almost always guaranteed that you'll get something really amazing when you go way out to give someone love that's completely for them (in other words you don't expect anything in return or do something where you know you will get something in return).  It must be a pure genuine love-gift.  Still don't know what to do?  Then the old golden adage says to think of something that would really move you to a deep appreciation if someone else did that for you, and maybe do that (considering the circumstance and appropriate parameters).  At a glance it looks strangely unrewarding or disadvantageous, but that is the beauty of unlocking it's power.  All your feelings may go against it, but all the knowledge and truth in the world will tell you otherwise.

Kill boredom with love.

Love seems to be the root that brings up sweet aromas of progression.


If you'd rather be bored and lazy, by all means...it's an easy slippery downward digression.

However, if you find a way to remain neither progressive or digressive, let's call it stagnant or placid, undisturbed, then if that's also more preferable to you than progressive, by all means, stay as you were.

Although, let me add that resting and relaxing is very good too, and can be progressive.  It's all about each individual's own personal understanding of his or her place on the grid.

Point being: progress, and in doing so always rejoice!  God desires us to rejoice always.  Living lives of upwardness help us to rejoice.  It makes sense, but your feelings will betray you.

Regardless of what you do, His grace is there to catch you.  Jesus loves you.

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