Monday, December 29, 2014

Daily reminder

It's been a haze ever since first semester wrapped up.  It's not that God stopped talking or that i felt Him to be far away.  I think it was more of a moment of pausing.  Taking into consideration the coordinates of my heart in relation to others.  Well, also pausing for the sake of pausing.  Just stopping.  It takes me a while to mull over certain thoughts before they are fully ingested.  There have been a few things on my mind. 

The gospel is still the most beautiful and hopeful news to me.

Sin is still a struggle, and I am caught in idolatry on a daily basis.  

I try to be conscious and aware of how easily I fall, how fragile I am, and how blessed and grateful I would be the moment I remember what the gospel means for me.  

Community is powerful because it catalyzed the majority of my actions.  Being in community is direct experience with how others view me and vice versa.  This can be a very good thing if the community you're in is healthy, and a terribly dangerous thing if not. 

People show me how I really am.  

That's scary, but very genuine, and truth is always the first step in the right direction.  

I feel so pause-y.  Is it laziness?  Contemplative pondering.  Inward analyzing.  Indigestion? Haha.

My faith is emerging out of the fog.  It's taking shape like an image coming into focus.  

Faith is fathomable, but when it's called upon it becomes flurried.  It is called upon daily--and it becomes normal to let the chaos of it become natural.  However, I don't want to live with a frantic faith.  Faith is contingent upon trust, and I would say that trust is contingent upon courage.  For to trust is to take a risk, and risks are bolstered by bravery.  

Be courageous and trust in God to have faith in Him today.  Live boldly, and watch God in the details, behind what the faithless eye cannot see. 

I miss so much when I forget about faith.  I see so much when I live by faith, and what I see is bright hope amidst the darkest days. 

Take courage, trust the Father of lights, and live this day in unconditional faith.  


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