I need people because on my own I'm no good.
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
(Genesis 2:18 ESV)
Does that mean because I'm a woman that on my own I'm sufficient?
That's so forcibly not that case that it hardly needs mentioning. Man existed before woman, not because they are higher in value but because the one will exist to be with the other while the other will come to existence for the man.
We need each other.
And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
(Genesis 1:31 ESV)
This isn't about marriage so much as it is about our relational capacities. We are image bearers of God that require one another for the whole picture of God, the "very good."
As I was lying in my bed, this was a loud alarm to whatever independent synapse that I may have let override this biblical truth that I need people. I am no good without people.
I need people on every level to be well. Physically (as most felt in this moment), emotionally, and spiritually. God is not enough until I am enmeshed with who He made to need me, and for me to be for--in order that things be "very good" by God's standard which is eons beyond any created being's standard of "good."
As a single person I need to be for my brothers in Christ so that I am completing the image of God. If you want to see God more clearly, start being for others. Or men, if you want to start seeing God more clearly start needing the help of others.
Together, whether male or female, the beauty of God will be brilliantly very good.
Don't go it alone.
Need and be for one another.
Amen and amen.
My sore throat is humbled.
Men, who do you need help from today? Be a man and say so!
Women, what gifts are you holding back to empower others? Be a woman and go help someone in need!
Stop waiting around for other to "make the first move". You will get rejected, hurt and maybe just flat out ignored in some instances where you do what you were made ...created and purposed to do! That's because of sin's stench! Let not sin reign in your mortal bodies, but put the deeds of the flesh to death for the sake of seeing God! For the sake of the "very good" you can take some brutal hits along the way, for the VERY GOOD!
Okay, I'm calm.
Maybe it's the meds I just took.
Your image alone is not good.
Let's be the image of God for one another.
Man to be needy, women to be helpers.
Let's need! Let's help!
Ask God who you need or who needs your help.
Then shine as who you were made to be.
It is very good.
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