Thursday, March 26, 2015


Heavenly Father,

You see me.
I'm just here.  I don't understand what's going on right now, so I pray for Your grace and mercy through all my mistakes.  I pray for Your voice to be heard in the chambers of my heart where Your voice resonates with resulting peace.  Your voice alone gives me rest from all the fears.  Your voice is the one voice I know is true.  Father, please understand me.  Please hear my prayer and the tone it speaks with from my heart.  Please understand me.  I know You do, but I want to believe more deeply that You do. That You're for me.  That You love me.  That I'm acceptable to You just the way I am.  That who I am is who Your Son died for.  That who I'm becoming is who You made me to be, and not back to who I was.  Lord Your opinion of me matters, because it is the only opinion that will last forever.  Lord, You see me, You hear me, and You love me.  You want me, You delight in me, You care about me, and You know all of me and accept all of me.  I will fall asleep with that certainty setting anchor in my heart, mind and soul.  I am who I am because of who You say I am.  Please remind me everyday.  
When the feelings are nowhere to be found--when the vacuum of my shallow desires begin to pull me down--save me, because my strength fails.  In my weaknesses You are found.  I trust that You know me, and that You see all that goes on.  You allow everything that happens to happen for a purpose.  
Still, I repent from all my sins.
I confess I let school and my image take precedence over You.  I let my old idols threaten and tempt me.  But You remain faithful, full of love for me, and good to me.  Forgiveness and grace wash over me like a giant faucet.  You are good to me.  You have always been good to me, and I want to rest in You, not in my circumstances or even in my feelings, but in our unbreakable bond.  Thank You for the hardships that make me question my genuineness. Thank You for the joys that catch me by surprise.  Thank You for the mysteries You give me to manage.  Thank You even now, when it feels too overwhelming for me.  
I'm tired.
There's love. 
I'm still here.
Father, be with me. 

In Jesus I pray,


"endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. This hope will not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. 
-Romans 5:4-5 

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