Monday, April 6, 2015

A poem of Hope in God

For all my friends, family and those out there who are going through a difficult time, this poem is for you.


Upon the grief and pent up pain,
Words unheard but seeing strain,
The heart that's open catches things,
Coursing through with empathy.

My friends are hurting, and 
It's strange to see,
How covered up it has to be,
Each one feeling,
But not communally dealing.

For fears and hurts they multiply,
And many more will come in life.
All want safety and security,
from these distinct pain patterns, inevitable though they be.

Look and see,
Hear and know,
Inside a friend 
Or in yourself. 

This great struggle,
The great pains,
The fears being faced,
Create pressures encased.

I need You,
I need them,
I need help,
I need to be a friend.

Lord, I get a glimpse,
When I reach out to others 
Offer a small hand of mine 
to be present in the pain,

But even in that I weep in vain,
For in that moment I remember You came.
You are real and you know us well,
These moments of hurt are what can tell.

You care for us and 
You know each sheep,
Him and her, they're in Your keep.
So I pray for my friends and I pray for my self,
To be held in Your love
And Your all-knowing good will. 

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