Thursday, June 11, 2015

Psalms in my heart

Why mornings are the best:
"But I will see Your face in righteousness; 
when I awake, I will be satisfied 
with Your presence." 
(Psalms 17:15 HCSB)

If only the nights were like mornings!
But in the night I struggle with my will to surrender, and the tension in me is heavy because I see how much I defer to rebellion:
"Moreover, keep Your servant 
from willful sins; 
do not let them rule over me. 
Then I will be innocent 
and cleansed from blatant rebellion." 
(Psalms 19:13 HCSB)

When I realize eternity and that I am a co-heir, then I remember how all the things I have now are borrowed things that God owns to help me practice owning them together with others for eternity:
The earth and everything in it, 
the world and its inhabitants, 
belong to the Lord; 
(Psalms 24:1 HCSB)

God does not react according to our acts of rebellion, He reacts according to His faithful love and goodness; He sees no sin in me when He looks at me which is so crazy-love:
"Do not remember the sins of my youth 
or my acts of rebellion; 
in keeping with Your faithful love, 
remember me because of Your goodness, Lord." (Psalms 25:7 HCSB)

I just love when I'm told special secrets hehehehe:
The secret counsel of the Lord 
is for those who fear Him, 
and He reveals His covenant to them. 
(Psalms 25:14 HCSB)

My body, His temple:
"Lord, I love the house where You dwell, 
the place where Your glory resides."
(Psalms 26:8 HCSB)

Ahhhh, waiting is so hard, but yet so simple:
Wait for the Lord; 
be strong and courageous. 
Wait for the Lord. 
(Psalms 27:14 HCSB)

When the thoughts of "doing, trying, be better" overwhelm me:
You will free me from the net 
that is secretly set for me, 
for You are my refuge. 
(Psalms 31:4 HCSB)

When I feel surrounded by thoughts that kill my hope:
May the Lord be praised, 
for He has wonderfully shown His faithful love 
to me in a city under siege
In my alarm I had said, 
“I am cut off from Your sight.” 
But You heard the sound of my pleading 
when I cried to You for help. 
(Psalms 31:21-22 HCSB)

Pain is inevitable in this life, everyone will experience pain, but only those who turn to God will find true love that surpasses all pain:
"Many pains come to the wicked, 
but the one who trusts in the Lord 
will have faithful love surrounding him."
(Psalms 32:10 HCSB)

The more I am loved by Him the more I see who I truly am when I look at my face in photos:
Those who look to Him are radiant with joy; 
their faces will never be ashamed. 
(Psalms 34:5 HCSB)

Broken hearts never feel okay, but if God is near when my heart is broken then let it be so:
The Lord is near the brokenhearted; 
He saves those crushed in spirit. 
(Psalms 34:18 HCSB)


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