She writes,
"Experiencing my own sadness has enabled me to be more compassionate toward the sadness of others. I am now convinced this is one of the greatest gifts I have to offer. Think about it. How can you enter into the pain of others if you have not entered into your own? How can you offer the comfort of Jesus Christ if you have not experienced it yourself?"
So true! I have noticed a profound difference in the way I feel the pain of others because of having gone through my pain! I also know how the comfort that Christ gave me was the source of healing I needed that I now offer to others who are in pain. But first, before I offer Jesus to be their comfort I have to be in their pain and bring the gift of my genuine sadness (something I was given by God to offer as a pleasing sacrifice to Him!). God has gifted you and I in very unique ways to bring Jesus to others.
Walk in your gifts and you will be a light to the world that points most authentically to Jesus, the lover of your soul.
Maybe your gift is anger or maybe your gift is fear. These are all good things that turned bad because of sin. However, when you are reckoned with by God and restored by His blood, these things begin to be your weapons for righteousness. The attributes you once hated become what you now love! Haha.
Seek God not to take away your gifts but to walk in them for good. How can you be angry in a righteous way that brings honor to God? How can you fear with the fear that leads to wisdom that honors God?
I definitely think I have the gift of sadness more biblical terms this is probably referred to as the gift of compassion or mercy.
The cool thing about knowing your gifts is not only helping people see Jesus more beautifully with them, but you also begin to see others who have the same gifts...and some that might think they do but do not. I don't mean that in a condescending or judgmental way, but if someone is trying to be something they are not for God's kingdom then it is more loving to direct them toward their own actual gifts for the purpose that is one.
I am just like my dad in that I thrive off of studying God's Word for hours and hours and hours, especially for those moments when logic and reason click in my head--like a joy-drug. But I'm also just like my mom in that I love doing all of that in the comfort of my own home where I am free to take sporadic naps, eat what I want, and relax in my pajamas. Haha.
That just cracks me up. But on the more serious side, I can begin to see the areas where I am also like my parents in the ways that are still sinfully broken and need grace. I don't need to name those because you probably know them already. I'm as bad as you think I am and worse than that.
The point is, do you see how it all works itself out in God's perfect plan?
Loving one another is the surest way to litmus test your life in Christ. Consequently it is the answer to God's will being done in everything no matter what, because love is not something we can do on command. How you love others is to show you (not them) how you love God, and this reveals why Jesus had to die to save us. The law containing the command to love was impossible for us, until Jesus took it away and showed us the way to get God....which is the way to get love to be able to love others. And it's not what you do for others but how you feel towards them that gives you assurance of real love blossoming in your heart. Love is impossible for humans to have for one another by sheer will power, because God is love and nobody controls God. God controls us. That will either frighten you or be the most glorious thing to believe! Real love is real...everyone loves love! I'm just trying to point out real love. If you love God then you will not be able to help yourself loving others. Haha. Everyone becomes incredibly valuable and needed in the perfect way God created us to be. We can enjoy real love only when we receive real love first. Do you have love?
Get love, get God, get God, get love.
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