Sunday, September 13, 2015

Don't be afraid of pain

There's been this line going through my mind again and again in thought and in spontaneous song:
"Whether I sink or swim,
It makes no difference when
I'm beautifully in over my head."

Today has been so good. 
By good I mean that I felt so good and the people I was with were good company, the food I ate was so good, the things I got done were pretty good, and the uncontrollable surprising  things were the most good.  

I think after the past few days when I just broke down before God with everything in my heart that was not satisfied and happy in Him it was painful but it was necessary --for Him to make room for all the good He had in store for me today.  He knew I needed it, and He wouldn't let me go without giving it to me.  Giving me the pain necessary for the good.  

Pain is always only worth it if the reward far outweighs it, oftentimes I have found that the pain I go through is even made beautiful and good once the outcome is given to me.  Because the outcome is so good that it makes the pain necessary for it good too!  It makes pain good!  Haha. 

Whether I sink or swim,
In this ocean of ups and downs,
It makes no difference when 
I'm in over my head,
When the reward is knowing God,
And being more full of His love, 
Sink or swim all looks the same,
All that matters is that I get God. 

So I hope I will always remember that pain or failure or messing up are all fears that are considered "downs" in life.  But they're only downs of the "ups" are considered what is good (the "ups" like success in life, comfort, peace, etc). But if my reward is God then up and downs make no difference when Christ alone gives me Himself by grace through faith alone. 

There's nothing I do to get God, I only believe. 
Believing does not mean I only have ups or that I only have downs.  Believing is just believing in spite of ups or downs.

Because the reward is God.
To know Him more,
To be drawn into the words of life,
The truth that is undeniable.

There is nothing that refutes His Name.
Nothing compares to Him.
I only hurt myself when I try to resist Him.
But when I'm in over my head...
Whether I sink or swim,
It makes no difference when
I'm in way over my head! 
To enjoy God's love so much that it's all I want.
To have Jesus in me is to know that I get God!
I have Him in me.
The Spirit of God is my seal of adoption.

But I mean,
It's been about realizing that pain is not bad.
Mistakes are not bad.
Because by bad I mean something to worry or upset or threaten me. 
Pain and mistakes are 
Simply pain and mistakes.  
That's it.
They're just there but they have no power.
Like a bumble bee without the stinger.
So I can hold the bee, I can be around the bee, I can even examine and touch the bee, because it has no power to harm me.
This has really helped me to bring my heart to God more.  
To know that the pain I once tried so hard to avoid is actually just stuff God uses to transform into good! 

If God redeems our bad stuff into good stuff then the more bad stuff I have to bring Him the more good stuff I will avail myself to. 

:). That's been the case for me this week.

“For whoever has, 
more will be given to him, 
and he will have more than enough. 
But whoever does not have, 
even what he has 
will be taken away from him.”
Matthew 13:12

God cannot be had in part.  You either get all of Him or none of Him at all.  I think taking the time to have the real Him in whatever seemingly small amount it may look to be is always just to prove to us that to have a little of Him is indeed to have all of Him.  So long as the God you get is indeed Him and not your own solution to your problems.
God cannot be conned by your finite intelligence.  He cannot be less than who He is, and that is God.  It means understanding what it means to be God.  What does it mean that God loves you?  What does it mean for Him to be God versus what it means for you to be "god"?  

Getting God is not about quality but about reality.  You either want all of Him or you get none of Him at all.  He is indivisible.  

Oh man. 
Oh God.
All I know is that God is real, He is good, and He loves me.

The rest is sitting with bees without stingers.  One by one they go from being threats to being interesting and sometimes funny.  
And the less I fear the more I enjoy. 

The more I enjoy the more I know.
The more I know God the more I believe.
The more I believe the more I enjoy.

In the beginning and in the end I get to enjoy Him. 

It's so weird sometimes, but once I get God there is nothing more I want.  What could be better than having Him?  You tell me please.  

What is better than having everything? 
It leaves nothing to be lacking.  How can you have more than perfection and still want more?
It's illogical. 
Getting God is getting everything. 

When I get Him I can love others more genuinely.
When I have Him I can laugh more.
When I have Him I can connect with others.
When I have Him I'm just a singing machine! 

“But the angel said to them, 
Don’t be afraid
for look
I proclaim to you good news 
of great joy 
that will be for all the people: 
Today a Savior, 
who is Messiah the Lord, was born 
for you 
in the city of David.”
Luke 2:10-11

Don't be afraid. 
Good news.
Of great joy.
Jesus the Savior and Lord.
For you.  For me.  
No more fear of death.
It has lost its sting.


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