(This does not apply to my high school male students whom I love most unconditionally to my knowledge.)
I have very little compassion for men.
I have very little motivation to understand them.
I'm quick to judge them or think less of them.
I want to have more compassion for them because they are equally as precious and valued to God as the broken hearted women I connect with.
They are truthfully equal in value to my value.
I want to be motivated by love to understand and reach out to them as God's hands and heart.
“Jesus, however, would not entrust Himself to them, since He knew them all and because He did not need anyone to testify about man; for He Himself knew what was in man.”
John 2:24-25
Lord, you know what lies in the heart of man. You know both the brokenness as well as the wickedness. You know that we should not and need not entrust ourselves to man. Help me not to feel like I am entrusting myself to any man just by association. Help me to know the division of entrusting myself to You while associating with man. Help me to have compassion for man the way You have compassion for man.
You know the heart of every man, and that's no excuse to withhold compassion for them. So help me to grasp this action of entrusting myself wholly to You while being a vessel of compassion for others.
Many trusted in Your name when they saw Your miracles but You did not entrust Yourself to them, because you knew the heart of men. You always kept your trust in God.
What does it mean to entrust?
To charge or invest or commit with a trust or responsibility. To hand over.
I wonder if my distaste and/or apathy to show compassion for men flows from a fear of handing over something to them of which they most certainly cannot be trusted with. They might mishandle or abuse it. What is "it"?
My feelings?
My self?
My value?
My time?
My worth?
My productivity?
My beauty?
Your goodness?
Your beauty?
Your truth?
Holy Spirit show me Your truth in the matter before me...
Very simple. You have compassion on who you have compassion, and it has nothing to do with a risk of someone or something being untrustworthy. All of you is entrusted to Me.
-my prayer to God about loving men, because it's so much easier for me to have compassion and love for women based on our ability to connect better, yet I find that love shall not be divided for those in Christ.
"...there is no male and female,
for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
-Galatians 3:28
This is going to take some work and a lot of mistakes but I'm ready and willing. And when I am not I pray God ties me to the alter for a change of heart.
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