Alright, so now that I'm here...the question is back to remind me:
"What is Your will Father?"
Because I forget, and because He knew and knows that about me He sent me a gift to remember. This gift is alive!
"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name,
he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you."
-John 14:26
It is the gift of the King's Spirit! A kind of radio sequence that dials only to the heart of my King. So I have direct access into His heart, and therefore I can know His desire and His will depending on what His Spirit speaks to me.
Tuning in.....turns into praying.
This gift does not come with tangible dials or buttons, because it is a person. This gift is accessed through relationship. The more time I spend with His Spirit the more I am able to know what my King is speaking to me.
So why wouldn't I be spending every waking moment with His Spirit?! In the car, while I'm eating, at home, at school, the Spirit is within me and so it makes it even more convenient than if I were trying to have a relationship with another physical being. Which is why Jesus said:
"Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you."
-John 16:7
If Jesus stayed then we would be trying to have a relationship with ONE person and only one of us could do so at a time. He would have to drive with us, eat with us, or we would have to go with Him then wait for him to use the bathroom or take a nap or so forth. But the Spirit is best because we have Him with us without all the limitations and inconveniences of a physical body. We have Him in us, which is much more close than with us. He knows our hearts and all the thoughts and fears and goals we might usually try to hide away from others in case they judge us or take advantage of us. But we have the Spirit in us, reminding us of our citizenship back home and our call to know the King's heart as we carry out our lives according to what our King wills. For we are His and under His protection sent to do what He wills.
We are sojourners in this world.
We are citizens of Heaven.
Prayer is the place of tapping back into our reality of the truth. When this world begins to use our bodily senses against us, what we see, hear, smell, touch, or taste, we have the Spirit of God within us that is not affected by the physical threats, and can therefore supersede their tactics. Prayer is calling upon our King to guide us and help us sort through what our bodies feel and see from what our hearts know and believe.
And I can attest most certainly that the body will see and feel a violently convincing contrast to what the Spirit reveals in prayer.
Without prayer we are like unarmed soldiers walking into open fire from the enemy. Prayer acts as a shield because it brings to mind the truth. The shield is not against what our bodies see and feel but against what those things cause us to think and believe. The shield protects our identity. Without prayer we slip into the chaos of lies because the voice of truth is not being accessed by us. All it takes is a moment of truth from the King, by His gift of the Spirit given when we were sent back into the Old Place through the door (that is, Jesus) from whom we received our citizenship the first time we walked through Him. Jesus made a way, and we have access to the door at any time because we are citizens, but we have been called by our King to do what His will is now. There is no threat of our new citizenship and the more we boldly do the will of our King the more we acknowledge our true citizenship. If we are afraid and desire to go back before His will is done, we are not being true citizens, because it reveals our hearts being in a place that is not safe.
The Spirit searches the heart, which for citizens is in the hands of the King in our permanent home, and therefore the King knows our hearts and can reveal what we need to hear from His Spirit. The King speaks into our hearts, and the Spirit relays that message to us who have Him in us. Our hearts have something like double locations. One in us as the access point and home of the Spirit and the other location is with God in heaven where it will remain forever.
This may sound confusing but it is like when you visit a friend for coffee. You sit in the coffee shop and that is the place (location #1) where you can hold your conversation to know what's been going on with your friend, but the other location is in your head (location #2) at any given place you are at. Because you carry with you the knowledge of what you know of your friend wherever you are. And that knowledge or the relationship you have with your friend that you carry with you wherever you are can increase or decrease based on the times spent in the coffee shop.
Likewise our access with the King by His Spirit in prayer is like the coffee shop, where we talk and discuss new things or more things in this space, but what gets discussed is then added to our relationship with the King that is permanent and growing deeper in Heaven where His heart is....and *drumroll* ....where OUR heart is.
Is this confusing?
Haha. I'm just trying to clarify the "double location" so that it's not as if we have two divided hearts. It is one heart but not contained by any physical thing.
I suppose if I refer things as the physical heart being the "coffee shop" but the contents of the heart are then transferred to where the heart will eventually end up permanently: in heaven with God.
So back to the initial question:
You're here now, and what was it that you were sent back to do?
"What is Your will Father?"
To the coffee shop!
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