Family, we are in the process of either building the kingdom of God which will last even after these bodies of ours give up their last dying breath, or we will be building up for ourselves a house made of sand soon to collapse.
A house made of sand is one which we build just for this life. Always trying to make more money for more comfort in life or to become more beautiful for more admiration, or build an outstanding career for more reputation and recognition here--these are sand castles. If you find yourself falling a apart at the loss of these things (especially in the way you talk with one another and get angry or defensive) then recognize that you are building your life in the sand. I can't stop you from doing so, I can only give you the knowledge but you have to receive it and humbly ask God to lead you out of it.
After these bodies die so will the sand houses we built for them.
Understand that we are all in the construction business.
Whatever we lose today, let's lose it as a means of gaining Christ and remember that it's not about what we deserve in the flesh, it's about what we believe about the atoning work of Jesus on the cross--both for ourselves when it comes to our sins and for those who sin against us.
"Complete your outdoor work,
and prepare your field;
afterward, build your house.
I went by the field of a slacker and by the vineyard of a man lacking sense. Thistles had come up everywhere, weeds covered the ground, and the stone wall was ruined.
I saw, and took it to heart;
I looked, and received instruction:
a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the arms to rest, and your poverty will come like a robber, your need, like a bandit.”
Proverbs 24:27, 30-34
We all want the best possible life we can get. If yours is simply one that's awesome here on earth then be prepared to lose it all when you die. But if the life you want includes this life and life eternal then pay close attention to the wisdom in Proverbs 24. Every action has a reaction, don't do today alone. If God calls you to the field then go with Him, if He calls you to tears then go with Him, if He calls you to lose your comfort then lose it with Him, whatever you do or whatever you lose, do it all and lose it all for surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus who did it all and lost it all for you. He is our life both here and forever.
My prayer for us is that we don't do today alone. Things may not go as expected, that's because we are not in control. Haha. But we can always rely on the One who is. Do everything with Him who loves you today.
Love you guys.
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