What do you really think. If you woke up, stretched out your sleeping muscles and allowed the flow of energy to surge through you as you yawned to an early morning, would that suffice? After you rubbed the tired from your eyes, sauntered to the bathroom and washed up with the sunlight trickling in and the birds singing conversationally outside the partially open window. You'd make your soft steps over to the kitchen, turn on the coffee pot and grab a few freshly washed and cut fruits from the fridge as you sat down to read the bible with coffee in hand. Isn't it lovely, you'd say to yourself. Isn't loving God so glorious, you'd think as you finished the deliciously juicy grapes and pears. Then you'd pray, rinse your coffee mug out, and pull back your hair into a neat ponytail (or if you're me, a high knotted bun). You'd quickly change into your gym clothes, lace up your sneakers, grab your iPod and put on something upbeat and inspiring as you ran through the park, winds cascading over your face. An hour or so would fly by, and your heart would be racing, face glowing, and steps determined. As you walked back into the house your phone would ring, a dear friend on the other line would be calling to get coffee and/or lunch and talk about Jesus. You'd set up a time, say bye, and hop in the shower. Now you're singing, because the acoustics in your bathroom are amazing, you feel like you've got a band behind you (or not, since you're naked). As you got dressed and ready, clothes just right, make-up to a minimal amount but bright, and hair all full and shiny, you'd check the time. 10 minutes left to spare, so you'd wash up the dishes, make your bed, tidy the house (of course there wouldn't be much to clean since you always keep it in good order), and grab your purse and keys and head out the door to a productive day loving Jesus. Type A? Maybe.
Reality check. Most days you feel wretched when it's too early and you hardly got enough rest. The bathroom is occupied, you don't own a coffee pot (but you do have instant coffee), and there's major construction work going on right outside your window) which is why you were hardly able to sleep. The fruit you washed has browned around the edges, but you eat it anyway because the strainer you use to wash fruit is in the dirty dishes pile. You down your coffee, get into the shower, and quickly do your best to look presentable as you rush out the door still hungry, but very late for work. On your way to work you realize you forgot your purse, all you have are your keys. Dilemma. Do you turn around and risk your employer getting upset, or worse, disappointed in you? Or do you just go, without money, phone, or even your drivers license and hope that you don't get caught speeding, which of course you are because now you really don't want to be late. Sirens. Of course. You make your eyes water hoping the cop will show some pity, but to no avail. Now you're so late you may as well make up some crap and call in sick, which would be a lie, and lies make you feel terribly guilt-ridden. You're a hot mess. Let's just throw in that you're bloated from last nights dinner, and you've got a toothache, which of course brings to mind more money that you don't have needed on getting that checked. Along with your speeding ticket. Breathe. Life gets difficult. No doubt about that.
Real reality check. The bed you felt so wretched waking up in is a luxury. There are countless adults, children and people your age that have to sleep on dirty floor or beds that carry all kinds of diseases and bugs. The fruit you ate is a kings breakfast to a number of families who don't even get to eat, but oftentimes have to watch the faces of their children shrink and become malnourished. There are millions of people who don't have access to clean water, let alone a single shower with actual soap. The car you sped to work, that's a rich mans way of transportation. The ticket you got? You're fortunate to have police around to keep things in semi-order, saying that the justice system in most other countries (including ours) is corrupted would be an understatement. You sped, you got what you deserved so your cop is actually a good one. Bloated? Toothache? Please. People are literally suffering all around you, whether by diseases threatening their very lives or by the incriminating environments they are exposed to. I did a one minute glance at the bbc world news website and found these articles.
Gang rape in Kenya
92 bodies (mostly children) found of migrants trying to cross the Sahara
"They are basically economic migrants. They are in search of work. They are so impoverished that they have to make these hazardous journeys,"
Niger is one of the world's poorest countries and frequently suffers from drought and food crises.
(10 year old boy shoots neo nazi dad and is sentenced to 7-10 years of prison)
I mean, come on. Is this for real? It sure doesn't feel real, it's just a website, it's just the news, it's so far removed from where we live, it could be fake. Or it could be real, as we all know it is. Real as in there are real devastations going on in the world, but your toothache and browned fruits oddly and hauntingly take precedence and make you feel.....entitled to something better. Something like perfection. I mean, I just think it's ridiculous how so many of us live like we deserve better. It's making me nauseous. I just don't want my life to get wasted on living for myself, because that seems so small and insignificant. I want to be grateful for everything, and in turn share what God gives me with others. I want to see a need and fill it instead of allowing the little things in my life upset me. Ain't nobody got time for dat!
We all have our convictions, this is just one that's been on my mind lately....and the more I read what Christ did and taught the louder mine gets.