Friday, June 7, 2013

Desperate people like you, like me.

So I'm pretty active on instagram, which is amazing because I'm the most inadequate social media user.  My facebook is dead (it resurrects every once in a while when I feel desperately uninformed or curious about people's updates in life/past), and I've never had a twitter account, and I'm not even on Pinterest (sadly).  But Instagram is my jam.  I take a lot of photos.  Mostly with people, of people, myself, friends, strangers, family, or a lot of partial -grams: feet (hipsters do this alot so I stopped), my mouth, an eyeball, knee caps, etc.  However, most of my photos are with my friends, coworkers, and myself....Ok lets be honest, mostly of myself, because I'm around me all the time.  However, what you see is not always what it may appear to be, I may look like I'm doing great because I'm smiling with friends in a photo with just the right lighting and a great setting, but that is just a photo.  I want to be blunt, because what you may be feeling, is what I may be feeling as well.  Whether that is sad, confused, lonely, in apathetic turmoil, or empty.  Maybe all of the above and then some.  Basically, my revelation was to remind myself and hopefully others, that we all need Jesus.  If I can easily post a photo that is saturated with the impression that my life is good and that everything is going well when it's not, then I should certainly realize that others can too...and with that understanding, remind myself to stop comparing or being envious or feeling sorry for myself, because nothing will be sufficient for me or anyone apart from the only eternal person which is Christ.  Jobs will fade, people will disappoint you, new places will become old places, and money will just be an unending pursuit of things that break down and also fade, but having a relationship with your Creator and Father who loves you, and with that love doing things that matter in life; will build the eternal part of you, your soul.  To set your eyes on what God desires, will change you, shift your perspective and move you toward an unshakeable joy.  It's always difficult in the beginning, and I'm not saying that it will one day be easy, but I do believe that it does get easier, and the more we strive for what's right and good and true, the more we exercise our identity being in Christ, the less we will be slaves to our sin and bad habits.  I believe God knows we will fail.

''All of us have sinned and fallen short of
God's glory. But God treats us much better than we
deserve, and because of Christ Jesus, he freely accepts
us and sets us free from our sins" -Romans 3:23-24)

That beautiful grace catches us, wraps us up and gives us strength and hope to try again, until we see change happen.

I was looking through instagram, at people's photos, smiling faces, happy places, good food, and group shots, but suddenly it occurred to me that most likely than not, these were the faces of desperate people.  People like me who need Jesus more and more.  

I would much rather not say anything because it's uncomfortable and it makes me feel like some hypocritical christian or "religious" person, and because I'm lazy and would rather not think about what's right (because doing what's wrong feeeeels better at first), but thankfully blogging about it isn't as scary bc I get to hide behind a keyboard, (even though I'm sure people I actually see on a weekly basis have access to this blog...which is good, but doesn't feel good haha) I have to write it.  I have a blog, and what I have to say must be from my heart otherwise it's just useless banter.  I'm not really one to just talk for the sake of talking....which can be a good or bad thing, but that's a whole other topic haha. 

I'm writing this from a house that I am nannying at (but the kids are tucked away in bed and sleeping), and it just occurred to me that maybe there's a nanny cam here, so I better not fart or pick my nose, or eat too much of their food.  ....dang it.


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