Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Psalm 30 (Joy in the morning)

I will exalt You, Lord, 
because You have lifted me up 
and have not allowed my enemies 
to triumph over me. 

Lord my God, 
I cried to You for help, 
and You healed me. 

Lord, You brought me up from Sheol; 
You spared me from among those 
going down to the Pit. 

Sing to Yahweh, 
you His faithful ones, 
and praise His holy name. 

For His anger lasts only a moment, 
but His favor, 
a lifetime. 

Weeping may spend the night, 
but there is joy in the morning. 

When I was secure, 
I said, “I will never be shaken.” 

Lord, when You showed Your favor, 
You made me stand 
like a strong mountain; 

when You hid Your face, 
I was terrified. 

Lord, I called to You; 
I sought favor from my Lord: 
“What gain is there in my death, 
if I go down to the Pit? 

Will the dust praise You? 
Will it proclaim Your truth? 

Lord, listen and be gracious to me; 
Lord, be my helper.” 

You turned my lament into dancing; 
You removed my sackcloth 
and clothed me with gladness, 
so that I can sing to You 
and not be silent. 

Lord my God, I will praise You forever. 

-Psalms 30:1-12

You were made for His love,
for this joy in the morning. 


Monday, March 30, 2015

What's holiness all about?

Holiness is being close to God

If being holy is what sets God apart or separated from me, than a desire to be close to Him will at the same time mean a desire to be holy--to be set apart from all that was separating me from Him.  But knowing This means knowing the fullest Union means to be perfectly holy, just as He is-- an impossibility for me until I realize I have access into perfect holiness in Christ!

"My people's greatest need is...my personal holiness"
-Robert Murray McCheyne

Personal holiness is personal closeness to God.  Intimacy with God can't be wishful thinking, it must be genuine...this happens in terrifying honesty.  To be naked before God, as two loves join together in nakedness makes them one. 

Holiness is too often looked at as external actions like mission trips, clothing the poor, or saying encouraging and uplifting words.

If those are what constitute holiness then the demons can be holy as well.  They can do this or go there or speak this and that.

No.  Holiness is a character of a person, Holy-ness is the person of God, Holy Spirit. 

We have holiness when we have the Holy Spirit.

You can show or speak convincing holiness yet not have The Holy Spirit, but you cannot have the Holy Spirit and not have holiness.  It's illogical and foolishness.
To say you have the Holy Spirit of God in you and yet not be holy is incongruent.  Probably heretical.  Haha...*uneasy laughter here.

The point is, holiness is closeness to God, because it is separating or set apartness from anything not God.  There are only two directions.  Toward God or away from Him.

Holy Spirit is literally God in us!  That's mighty close if you ask me!  When the Holy Spirit and a given to us we are close to God, we desire Him, we want to know Him, we are literally obsessed with Him.  Because we are one with Him, a union of love.

So the more you desire God, the more you know you have the Holy Spirit.  Stop judging your holiness based on what you do!  That could be phony!  What the body of Christ (the church) needs most is our personal holiness.  

When you sin do you feel miserable, genuinely distorting miserable because you know God hates that?  That's Holiness!!! 

The more we see ourselves, our true selves with the turning on of light (illumination light bulb that the Holy Spirit does upon entrance) revealing our darkest depraved caverns in our innermost hearts, the more we can repent (turn away from what separates us from our God, loving Abba who is the best person to be loved by and to know and be with all the time!) 

That is why grace, in this sense, works in a downward shift.  By downward I mean, grace floods and ravishes your very real soul to God in the pit of your most perverse and disgustingly shameful acts of sin.  
It's no wonder we are so afraid of truth-telling!  If truth telling means entering THAT place, that's terrifying!
So what hope do we have to squash our fears of that dreadful place?  


The hope that we will find God there at the very rock musty bottom with some kind of glimmering contraption ready to rocket us out and back home.  The trip down is the trip home.  That's what I mean by downward grace.

The more we traverse into our innermost hearts with the Holy Spirit, spurning our hope of holiness (or closeness with God) the sweeter His grace becomes.  So sweet in the face of so much of our crimes against God.

See it, and let grace take you on wings to the one who bore all of those filthy sins in your nasty heart of hearts.  

You have been given a new heart.  The old one is now powerless and dead.  You needn't fear it.  This is a world of old dead hearts, including yours, but we know the outcome in Christ.  

Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into holiness= closeness to God. 

Hallelujah!  There's nothing wrong with me after all!  Because I rarely "feel good" as in those good vibes of independent productivity.  (For lack of a better description) However, I feel loved.  In fact, I feel so loved that I would rather feel loved than feel good, I would rather be loved than be happy.  I choose the superior way: Love. 

Dearly, supremely loved,

PS:  haha immediately after posting this I felt the joy AND THE simultaneous pull of fear for all the desires or loss of comforts and security I might lose or what not if I Really believed everything I wrote above. I turn inward and thus I turn tiny as I hear myself timidly: "You'll take care of me, right?  You would take care of me if I lost my home or my family?  You would provide if I lost something?  If I lose my self in You, I will gain everything, right?"

Man.  God's love is that powerful.  

His love becomes my everything.

Allowing truth to turn the lights on

Truth-telling is an inward thing.  

Being honest about all things in your mind is where the Holy Spirit will begin in order for your perspective to be aligned in the truth.  This never comes by sheer acknowledgment or agreement but by powerful conviction through deep cleansing producing clearer understanding.  Cleansing because the lies in our minds are filthy.
(I can tell someone that I will not use them for my gain because I don't need them, and that makes sense to them, but that will not mean they will understand enough to trust me with access to all their bank accounts, emails, and phones, unless they know I want access to all of that to protect them because I love them)

So then the truth is, do we know we are loved by God?  

Why do we lust? 
Why do we get upset?
Why are we angry?
Why are we anxious?
Why are doubting?
Why are we worrying?
Why are we scared?
What happened that sin gave birth to these once good capacities?  The capacity of desire for relationship and touch are God-given desires that went wrong and turned into lust and infidelity.
Our capacity to be all about how right and true God's authority and ways are became narcissistic.  Are we upset because glory is not being given to God or are we upset because someone isn't giving us our due glory? 
Anger is a capacity to hate sin.  Not a reason TO SIN. 

So where have these capacities been mishandled in our lives?  GOD USES ALL things, including every past memory to help us understand and know the depth of His love for us.  If we are His then we were predestined from the beginning.  All that had happened to us in our lives went through His Sovereignty as His love for us remained the same as when we became aware of this.  He loved us back then as He loves us now and forever, so what did God see happen to us that He allowed to happen that we don't understand very thankfully?

Daily conversations with God
"For this reason I kneel before the Father

I pray that He may grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power in the inner man through His Spirit,

may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the length and width, height and depth of God’s love,"
Ephesians 3:14, 16, 18 HCSB

"... display the immeasurable riches of His grace through His kindness to us in Christ Jesus."
Ephesians 2:7

Genuine KINDness should be a quality we all pray to have!  So many phonies out there who act "kindly," but truth must pervade our kindness as well.  
---> Kindness is the channel for grace.  Grace is what restores all things to the truth (or truth telling to take place).  All things restored, by truth, give God all the glory.   

Where does kindness show up? 
How can we tell false from true fullness of Christ's kindness in ourselves or from another?
"...speaking the truth in love,"
Ephesians 4:15

(This could be tough love or gentle tender love, but it is real truth that makes love real) 

Always being reminded of the truth about real love:
Love is kind, patient, does not boast or envy, is not easily angered, keeps no record of wrong, never ends....

When I speak to someone to tell them the truth, am I speaking from this real love?  If not then it only means I lack the comprehension of that real love in me (from God).  

Do not become callous!!  Honesty and vulnerability are what guard against this desensitization.
They became callous and gave themselves over to promiscuity for the practice of every kind of impurity with a desire for more and more. (Ephesians 4:19 HCSB)

Renewal begins with the mind, Let the Spirit lead your honest thoughts toward renewal of those calloused ones.
you are being renewed in the spirit of your minds; (Ephesians 4:23 HCSB)

Genuine renewal leads to genuine "putting on" of the truth (prior to this is genuine "putting off" of old lies that shaped harmful desires)
you put on the new self, the one created according to God’s likeness in righteousness and purity of the truth. (Ephesians 4:24 HCSB)

Truth-telling should take place inwardly and outwardly.
Since you put away lying, Speak the truth, each one to his neighbor, because we are members of one another. (Ephesians 4:25 HCSB)

During truth-telling allow anger to happen!  But think again for why anger is powerfully bustling during a truth-telling moment and be led to convincing truth about your anger, not just dwelling on the feeling.  Understand why you are angry.  What is needing to be put off in you?  Let the Spirit speak.
Be angry and do not sin. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger, (Ephesians 4:26 HCSB)

For truth-telling to occur let kindness pave the way, let kindness set up the room, let kindness be a mutual cup of grace between both hearers.
No foul language is to come from your mouth, but only what is good for building up someone in need, so that it gives grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29 HCSB)

By what of our doing does the Holy Spirit become grieved?  Perhaps by suppressing truth-telling to take place both inwardly and outwardly.  
And don’t grieve God’s Holy Spirit. You were sealed by Him for the day of redemption. (Ephesians 4:30 HCSB)

Truth-telling will produce a person as such:
All bitterness, anger and wrath, shouting and slander must be removed from you, along with all malice. And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ. (Ephesians 4:31-32 HCSB)

"As dearly loved children."  We imitate God not to be loved but as we are loved. 
Therefore, be imitators of God, as dearly loved children. (Ephesians 5:1 HCSB)

Truth-telling exposes our darkness more clearly! 
Don’t participate in the fruitless works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what is done by them in secret. Everything exposed by the light is made clear, (Ephesians 5:11-13 HCSB)

...and then the Messiah will SHINE on you by truth-telling taking place in His Spirit with your minds.
for what makes everything clear is light. Therefore it is said: Get up, sleeper, and rise up from the dead, and the Messiah will shine on you. (Ephesians 5:14 HCSB)

Truth-telling is comprehension, clearness, and knowing God's will.
So don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. (Ephesians 5:17 HCSB)

The more we understand our past, the more we will understand our present, and the more we understand our present the more we will understand (and hopefully believe) our future.   

The words of truth-telling are scary before, during and after!  even Paul needed boldness! So many arrows from the accuser will shoot your vulnerability with lies, but our refuge is always in God.  So much understanding of light in the dark, so much spiritual transformation, and so much change is new and unpredictable (which can appear to be a vulnerability of our safety of self), but all of this is emboldened by truth-telling continually within ourselves and amongst our constituent body parts, the community of the church.  Emboldened by God making His love for us deeper and wider, higher and impenetrable! 
Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert in this with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints. Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel. For this I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I might be bold enough in Him to speak as I should. (Ephesians 6:18-20 HCSB)

We are being brought into clarity, to make known with boldness (which comes from understanding and certainty) the mystery of this amazing gospel of Jesus!  

When anyone asks me about politics I have no sense of boldness, in fact the subject makes me really uninterested because I neither care nor know much about it.  I don't know when political polls are being taken, I don't know the names of politicians and what they claim to stand for, I don't even know what I want or what America needs within the realm of political power to change a bad or keep a good.  So when I am asked about politics, if I am honest, I cannot say much.  But I can use my powers of persuasion, lying, social media, rhetoric, and vocabulary of political terms to APPEAR like I know what I'm talking about.  The same thing goes for God's love.

Do you APPEAR to know God's love for you without actually knowing it or do you, like Paul, see the enormity of it and so need boldness to even begin to speak about it to others?  Do you know the gospel that Christ died for you and finished your "trying" to get better.  In Christ's completely done-and-OVER-with work on the cross, you are His by faith through grace!  That's all.

Know His love by knowing the truth.
Know the truth by unraveling the lies.
Unravel the lies with the help from Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. (Meaning comforter, counselor, helper, encourager, advocate to God the Father)

I hope and pray you notice a desire for some confusion in you to be brought into the dawning light of His truth--His truth that even in that, He worked in and through to love you and draw you to Him.  In everything. 

Ask Him why. 

God deeply loves you,

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Abba Father,
I can sense a need in my heart that needs Your attention, Your love and Your gentle comfort.
Father, I am so lost in this wide open space of so much unfamiliar and unknown.  I feel overwhelmed by what's "right" and what's "wrong" and I just need Your embrace to remind me that it is finished.  I need Your voice to silence the echoes of my old self, to clear away the fog in my head that tries to confuse me of my rightful place next to You.  I am here, and I want You to be here too.  You meet all my needs, and I don't want to forget who I am in You.  

When I feel this pain or fear of losing my value, when my identity shifts and falsely threatens to make me less than who I am in You, less than perfect, I get weaker and weaker.  I become so weak and brittle, my sense of self gets in critical condition, and I feel pressed down within me.  I don't like this feeling, but I know that I must acknowledge it because I cannot meet my needs.  I need You to meet my needs of being whole and fully accepted and fully loved as I am, myself.  My naked self, my soul is bruised and I need Your gentle hands to carry me to You.  

I am Yours and You are my Abba.  I have You to whisper the meaning behind all that happens to me, and You always meet my curiosity with kindness.  You delight at my approach and You never keep Your love hidden or obscured from me for longer than I can bear, but You know exactly what I need to know Your love even more deeply than before.   You see me now in my state of broken helplessness.  I can barely make my way towards You, but You run toward me.  You run toward me.

Here I am, Abba.  And here You are.  Tell me what's going on.  Will You show me what is going on?  Where is my fear coming from?  

People are hard work.  

Why does it feel like I will lose something when I know that I have all that I need in You?  Why is the lie of losing out so strong?  I feel it in me like knives at my throat, the sharp points inching tighter and closer to my tender neck, and it feels so threatening!  It feels real!  What's more real, the feelings or You? 

So I present my feelings to You.  Restore truth to them.  Let truth-telling take place and dissemble the knives that lie to me.  I will not stand to let a single lie try and keep me from You.  But I am powerless to do anything about it.  You can restore my lies back to the truth.  So here they are.  You know them already, because You know me inside and out.  I surrender these ugly lies that feel so real to me.  I surrender them.  

In Jesus' name.
All my fears and all my doubts, I'm giving them to You.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Jesus, that guy, He loves you!

I think everyone, or almost everyone, is trying to outdo me or press me behind them.
No one can stand to see me succeed.

Jealousy is both an attraction and a fear of mine.

When I was in 7th grade I was told that I was the school slut, a friendship-breaker, and a goody goody.   Two things occurred to me at the time:

Firstly,  I felt this threat came from jealousy (perhaps I felt this way because that's how it was explained to me by those I told my troubles to)  funny that the fact of "those girls are just jealous of you" was something meant to console me.  As if to say "you're really better than them" a concept which is neither loving nor true.  I am not better than them, nor is thinking that way very loving of me toward them.  That "consolation" was not godly, it was from the world.  So then on the grander scale the world had hurt me and I was turning to the world again for comfort (by being consoled this way). 

Secondly, what came because of this so-called jealousy was extreme bullying, resulting in many hurtful experiences as a 12 year old who knew nothing of this type of rejection by my peers.  This was a first for me, and it did not feel good to be rejected and made fun of.  It hurt a lot.  I was scared and confused, and I remember crying a lot by myself because I wasn't sure what to do about it.  I only knew for certain that it felt extremely hurtful, awful to the point where I begged my parents to put me in another school. 

So naturally I clung more tightly to the thing that was meant to "console" me.  Jealousy or to be envied, became my goal.  If this kind of thing was going to happen again, I would build up my consolation by accepting it as jealousy.  I never wanted to experience that again.  This led to my gradual build up of protective measures to solidify this perspective.  In other words, before someone could reject me, since I could not control when this might happen (as I could not explain or understand why it happened in 7th grade) I subconsciously probably began making sure that others were more jealous of me than anything else.  It was a subtle process, only recently more clearly shown to me, that I had through the years become someone who worshipped myself in the form of being able to receive envy from others.  I loved when people wanted to be like me, wanted to have what I had, to look how I looked and to know what I knew.  I placed my value in how they valued me.  At the time none of these things were happening at an immediately conscious level.  When I was 12 years old the only thing I was conscious of was the pain.  So as I explain what I now am beginning to understand, let it be clear that these were not my intentions as they happened.  In order to be envied I probably had to figure out how to be outstandingly all those things that I believed were the coolest.  Things like: very beautiful, very witty, very well dressed, very intellectual in a nonchalant way, very funny, and very popular surrounding myself with all those who also fit these descriptions.  

What began as pain and hurt, that should have been shared with someone and shared with God to manage it and secure my value in God's eyes, my true and eternal self (someone who could be rejected by people as an accepted reality of the fall, and anchored in the epic fact that I am loved by God who is King over every good and perfect gift, which includes me), instead had turned me into a monster (, one for which I fight more and more vigorously everyday now.  All those years of lying to myself in order to protect myself created many bad habits in me that to this day I am being led to break and use as a witness to glorify God. 

Had I shared my hurt with someone and my feelings in order to understand what was really going on, in order to be guided by God's healing and comforting solution rather than the world's, maybe I would be fighting a different idol today.  The point being that it is not the sin itself (of wanting admiration from others) that is the problem, because all are sinners and there are millions of other idols that I have in my heart, but this particular situation was allowed to happen by my loving Father who knows all the days for which I am to walk in, in order to make me realize certain things that would mold my spirit, lead me to conversion, faith, hope and love, ultimately to shape me into a person who would lay my will down for the Father's just as Jesus did.  God uses our lives for His will, and His will is to glorify Himself.  

"We have also received an inheritance in Him, predestined according to the purpose of the One who works out everything in agreement with the decision of His will, so that we who had already put our hope in the Messiah might bring praise to His glory.

He is the down payment of our inheritance, for the redemption of the possession, to the praise of His glory."
-Ephesians 1:11-12, 14

And by His mercy and grace we see that at some point  in our lives.  It's not our job to determine who is saved and who isn't, but our role is to believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  The Holy Spirit works in us to realize that more and more.  He cries within us, and prays through us.  We are at the mercy of God, this is true if you believe He is Sovereign.  That is a humbling and sobering reminder-- of which facing our sin helps us realize even more.  You are not saved by looking at your "fruits" or your good works.  You are saved by Jesus, believing in His real existence by faith.  

Your truthfulness should be the most powerful witness to others for which you are aware of.  All other things don't matter in comparison. 

Do you know Jesus?  
Do you trust Him with your life--with your body, your job, your children, your spouse, your parents, your feelings of security and comfort, your future, your present circumstances?  
Do you know that He loves you?  

How would you answer and explain your answers to these questions if and when the Holy Spirit dwelling in you asks you?  

He may be asking you right now.
Prompting you toward truth-telling to take place.  

If the answers to any of the above are yes, then you will begin to see as "fruit" the fruit of the Spirit's work in you.  (Galatians)  Things like joy and peace, love and kindness.  But!  These are fruits!  They are not Jesus Himself!  That makes Jesus an attitude --not a person who lived on this earth 2000 plus years ago who resurrected from the grave and is now seated with the Father in heaven.  Jesus is real and He is a person, He is Lord and God's Son, our true King who sits on the throne forever!  He is not a feeling of joy or a sense of peace.  He is a person.  And we are granted relationship with Him!  We might be swayed or distracted by the "fruit" we bear, but it must always come back to the centrality of Jesus that you are certain of, not your fruitful feelings or acknowledgements. 

The Holy Spirit's primary job is to make it more and more clear to you that Jesus is not only God's revealed Son and our King, but that all of who God is loves you, and that you belong to Him!  You belong to God as His beloved!  

Do you belong to God?
Do you know with increasing certainty that God loves you?  That His will is good and perfect?
Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins and in exchange gave you His perfect obedience? 
Do you believe? 

That is the work of the Holy Spirit.  

And that is why it is not a matter of judging someone's "fruits" or external actions, but of being convinced that they know Jesus.  You look at someone and you wonder: "Wow, they KNOW Jesus.  They're friends with Him" 
And the one who walks in this friendship with Christ will be more and more unaware of his or her "fruits" (or proving his or fruits to others)  and much more enamored by Christ.  A fullness of Christ leaves little room for a fullness of self.  And everyone knows that a truly selfless person is the best kind of person.  No convincing proofs are necessary (they are sometimes evidences that are edifying to the church, but should not be defenses of oneself.)  Just like in all the hero movies, it is the selflessness of the hero that makes him the hero, not his outfit or vocation.  

From this fullness that person can then logically live their years on earth with committed and faithful submission to God.  That is the Kingdom of God realized in one's heart.  Joyfully submitting to God's will can be equated to the kingdom of God, a place in which all will be joyful because God is in control and He is believed and trusted to be our Loving Abba dad.  

Ultimately for His will in my life to be done, He uses all of me for His glory, both my past and my present and my future and eternity will, for me, be to give Him glory.  

Therefore, looking back to understand--not to blame - the problems I have today and the struggles I face most of the time is God's gentle fatherly explanation to me.  He helps me understand why I am so concerned with my image in distinct areas (these areas change with some additions and subtractions depending on what I currently view as "cool"). When I remember 7th grade and the pain of rejection, I can recall that there were in fact two realities before me as a developing 12 year old.  Jealousy and rejection.  Only one of which is a sin.  And of course I chose the path of sin.  Rejection or being rejected by people is not a sin for the one who is rejected, although it is quite as painful as a sin might later be.  The difference is that rejection is inevitable in a broken world where people make mistakes.  Trying to cause others to be jealous on the other hand, is a sin and very evil one at that!  (Rejection is even a reality for those that believe in Jesus!  It should be experienced not avoided at all costs). 

But like I said, the sin is not the issue, for there are many many sins within us festering beneath our consciousness.  In fact, these sins which we all have are the very things we must see in order to see the beauty of Jesus, He shed His blood so that every person that believes in Him would be dead to their sins the way they will be dead to this life when they die.  We become less and less "right" by the reality of our existing sinful roots (and these are disgusting the closer we examine them in us), while simultaneously the gospel of forgiveness and the kingdom of God become more and more true.  That is the Holy Spirit working in and through you, redeeming your God-created capacities for His glory.  You choose His will over the world's will or your will.  Any will not of God is ...well, not God's will. 

My sin began as a coping mechanism to soothe the hurt I had received.  Over the years sin, which always leads to more destructiveness, produced in me all kinds of bad habits and ideals.   
Thoughts like: "People don't want to see me succeed."
Especially a person named: myself. So even as I grew up Christian, knowing right from wrong (from the obvious appearance of things)
I was out to sabotage me through my disobedience or neglect of what I knew to be the "right thing", settling for the wrong way in disguise as the "other right thing that didn't risk so much of what I had built," bc change was just too unfamiliar.  I could get hurt some other way that would be disastrous, and I'm not sure if I could handle it the way I barely managed to handle pain the first time.  If I was going to change I needed to be convinced that all my hard work of building up my protection was going to be worth shattering!  That was and is scary.  Our minds will automatically think of sin because it is most accessible, "Better to experience the same kind of pain, and stick to what I've been doing because this is a somewhat working solution," sin's gratifying appearance is always, always, always a lie.  It's scary to think about changing when all my life I have built up a sense of self out of protection from pain.  I did what I did, as any natural 12-year old human being would, to keep myself from making the same mistakes, chief of which were trusting others too much.  
This was both a good and bad thing, bad because it was fear that led me, not understanding.  And good because God had redeeming purposes for this experience to produce good in me, namely a love of Christ.
If I got hurt from someone's words, all my energy was kept looking and feeling that sphere of hurt. I saw that as a world in itself, a totality.  When in fact it is a partiality, an essential aspect of joy.  

I do not regret the past, but I use it for His glory. 

For to know Christ--my friend, my buddy, my King and my favorite person to laugh and talk with, cry to, the One who creates a morning song for me to wake up to or stirs a galaxy sized wonderment in my soul--surpasses all things.  There is no fear of man in God's perfect love.  

We were made for Him.  In Him is the fullness of life.  In Him all of us is redeemed, everything is used for His glory!  Every single minute detail is redeemed and used for His glory.  I don't understand all of my past, or all of my present circumstances, but I know with ever increasing sureness that Jesus is so real and He loves me.  In Him I can do all things, including digging up past hurtful memories or trusting Him to take care of me in present unfamiliar or painful circumstances.  All things.  Every single little or big thing.  All.  There is nothing before or after me that He is not fully in control of, He that gave His life for me with that highest love for me.

Do you know Jesus?  
What is the Holy Spirit asking or telling you?
Let truth-telling take place.

Cry to him.
Get angry.
Get confused.
Get hurt.
Get disappointed.
Above all seek to understand that Jesus is real and He loves you. 


Friday, March 27, 2015


My morning "quiet time"

"Your sin doesn't hinder God from loving you, your sin hinders you from loving others." 
-Tullian Tchividjian 

"internal sense of unrest."
The following is an excerpt from a book, "Attachments":
"To relieve these symptoms, the person must return to the trauma and its corresponding “morphine.” 
Fear of the unfamiliar is another way “addiction to trauma” can develop. Researchers see this when they place a rat in a “shock” box. They lock the rat in the box, then shock it, making the rat’s life in that box painfully uncomfortable. But over time, the rat becomes familiar with the situation, and pain becomes a way of life for Mr. Rat. Now the researchers open the box so the rat can escape, and what happens? You’d expect Mr. Rat to hightail it out of there, to put as much distance between himself and that box as the researchers would allow. But it didn’t happen that way at all. The rat did leave the box, but whenever it faced something unfamiliar, it returned to the box, even though returning was painful! Why? The box was a familiar place. The animal was used to its home and retreated there whenever it became anxious, no matter the cause, even when confronted by something unfamiliar."

Sinful habits are called habits because they are familiar to us.  They gradually corrode our lives with all that sin yields: anger, malice, greed, lack of self-control, etc. The question is "why are these sinful yields bad for us?  Which we might think is obvious, and in a sense it is obvious, but there are always more to what meets our initial views.  A sunset is a bright round light illuminating over the ocean, but it's also the movement of earth in axis necessary for the universe to exist.

"Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar. I tell you about these things in advance — as I told you before — that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."(Galatians 5:19-21 HCSB)

Am I saved if I continue in sinful habits?
The question is one obvious aspect that focuses on external appearances alone.  If I am in sinfulness (which we engage in everyday!), particularly a sinful habit or deliberate sin, and in my heart I have no desire to change and stop committing this sin then no, I'm not saved.  And neither are you according to the passage above.  If you keep going back to the "shock box" you're running away from the "unfamiliar."  That running away could be the actual issue, not the shock box of your sins. 

"In the same way faith, if it doesn’t have works, is dead by itself."
-James 2:17 

If I am in sinfulness, a habitual sin that I know is deliberately bad and deplorable to me, and I have the desire ...the increasing desperation to turn away from it, despite my will power, then yes I am saved.  And so are you. 

"...But where sin multiplied, grace multiplied even more"
-Romans 5:20

How do we know which one we are actually in?  
Both of them appear to be the same thing:
Both see their sin, and both say they hate their sin, and both continue to do their sin.

What's the difference?  Is it the difference in external attempts to change or to work harder at stopping the sin?  That could be fueled by a desire to banish the feelings of guilt and shame, so that can't be the difference.  Because Romans states that where sin increased grace abounded even more.  In other words it is not even the sin itself that is the issue!  So "fixing" your sin is not the solution, since "sin" is not the problem! 

Your heart is the problem.  

How do we know how we really feel then?  The heart is deceptive, and cannot be trusted!  How then do we know if we really want to turn away or if we just say we want to turn away when we really don't? 

I breathe so deeply here, because the right response to these questions is the only true and genuine response: "I don't know how I really feel."

Say it with me: "I don't know how I really feel!"

Be genuine about where you're at:

I want to change, but I don't want to change.  
I want to change but I'm not seeing any change!  I want to change but I'm not sure how I can change!  
I want to change, I see some change, but I'm not sure if that's real change!  
I want to continue changing, but the pace is discouraging!
I don't want to change, and that feels like I want to change (?) <--if incongruent thoughts like these are coming into mind, I would suggest you talk to someone to help you organize your thoughts.  That last statement does not make logical sense, but that doesn't mean you won't think it.  It could be false humility, self-deprecation, or a web of lies that have you entangled in confusion. 

Being honest helps mentally disable and dissemble the lies.  It makes sense, the more honest you are the less deceived you are.  If water is honesty and fire represents the lies blazing in our hearts, then the bigger the fire is the more water (honesty) you will need to smother it out.  When the fires get smaller the visibility gets clearer. 

Being honest is crucial to approaching God. 

From my experience in habitual sins, which I don't feel comfortable sharing in explicit detail, for obvious reasons, I have seen with my own eyes the ways I have begun to love others more.

I repeat, from my experience in sins that I committed habitually and knowingly (meaning I was fully aware of how much it went against my belief in God) I have witnessed that the change came first in my increasing empathy and love for others.  

I was becoming less and less an island into myself.

The sins had not disappeared (I was still committing them with self-contempt and confusion), nor were they being felt as "justified" by my newfound connection to others' pain, but I was changing in a radical way.  God was changing me, just not in the way I had imagined was the "right way."  
I was actually hearing people speak and understanding, even feeling, what they said.   And then each night I began to feel more and more disgusted by my sins that I still had difficulty stopping.

This time persisted for a while.  I was changing, but my improvements were in other places.  

At rare times, I even "lost myself" to people.  Meaning, I became more like a parent than a child.  Something like love without expectations. 
I sought to empower them.  I sought to understand what might be causing them to be the way they were.  I wanted ....to help them. 

I tasted love of others 
more than love from others.

And it was strangely euphoric. 

Loving others is who we are as humans created by God for His will.  God has been growing me to be a kingdom dweller through the development of love for others.  

The kingdom of Heaven, God's kingdom, is equivalent to our attitude of submission to His will.  In the end we cannot enter heaven if we are not a soul that submits to His will, because in God's kingdom He reigns.  Similar to kingdoms in our fairy tales, if someone goes against the King's edict they are punished by treason, resulting in their banishment or death.  Why?  Because the King's edict governs the King's kingdom.  Likewise, the kingdom of heaven will be unlike those in our fairytales in that our Heavenly King will be perfect in goodness through and through, and not only will He be a good and righteous King, He will also be our Abba Father.  

Maybe that submission comes quickly for some and slowly for others (like me).  But regardless of how we begin to submit to God's rule over our lives through our decisions anchored in His desires over our natural inclinations, the more we are being shaped into kingdom folk.  Being shaped by God is almost never what we imagine it to go like.  The only proof we have is what we are given In the Word of God. 

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." -Galatians 5:22-24 

But again, the first step before all of this putting the fires out with the help of the Holy Spirit, so that we can be honest.

Recognizing that you don't know.  
You can only be as real as your reality is.  
I'm not asking about your progress or your attempts.  I'm asking about where you're at right now.  Are you good, then rejoice!  God is blessing you with His goodness!  Are you not good?  Are you confused? Overwhelmed?  Tired? 

Be there.  Be wherever it's the truth, and if that is the truth, if that scary or empty place is the truth of where you are, then God is also in that, because He is only in truth.  He can help you.  He can help me, and that makes going into the truth less scary.  Relationship with God makes the unfamiliar less threatening.  


--short eschatological interjection here--

Heaven will be enjoyable and joyful because we will see the truth of God's will as good--not self-diminishing.  God, by definition, cannot sin, and therefore He cannot choose anything but perfect goodness.  We know this, but we may not trust in this right now.  We have no hope in choosing good without being grafted into Christ's righteousness, because apart from Christ there is no good.  When we are "grafted in" we mold to Him.  We are a self, being shaped-- through access in Christ --by the Holy Spirit.  We can come into Christ and know Him and who He is (and see who we truly are, our identity) because He became one of us, or of our substance: human.  Then at His coming we are glorified with new bodies that contain our "shaped" souls in which we can enter the kingdom of God with.   Lots of questions of this area, but what I am understanding up to here has made sense to me in a convincing and empowering way, both to love God more and others more.  


Thursday, March 26, 2015


Heavenly Father,

You see me.
I'm just here.  I don't understand what's going on right now, so I pray for Your grace and mercy through all my mistakes.  I pray for Your voice to be heard in the chambers of my heart where Your voice resonates with resulting peace.  Your voice alone gives me rest from all the fears.  Your voice is the one voice I know is true.  Father, please understand me.  Please hear my prayer and the tone it speaks with from my heart.  Please understand me.  I know You do, but I want to believe more deeply that You do. That You're for me.  That You love me.  That I'm acceptable to You just the way I am.  That who I am is who Your Son died for.  That who I'm becoming is who You made me to be, and not back to who I was.  Lord Your opinion of me matters, because it is the only opinion that will last forever.  Lord, You see me, You hear me, and You love me.  You want me, You delight in me, You care about me, and You know all of me and accept all of me.  I will fall asleep with that certainty setting anchor in my heart, mind and soul.  I am who I am because of who You say I am.  Please remind me everyday.  
When the feelings are nowhere to be found--when the vacuum of my shallow desires begin to pull me down--save me, because my strength fails.  In my weaknesses You are found.  I trust that You know me, and that You see all that goes on.  You allow everything that happens to happen for a purpose.  
Still, I repent from all my sins.
I confess I let school and my image take precedence over You.  I let my old idols threaten and tempt me.  But You remain faithful, full of love for me, and good to me.  Forgiveness and grace wash over me like a giant faucet.  You are good to me.  You have always been good to me, and I want to rest in You, not in my circumstances or even in my feelings, but in You....in our unbreakable bond.  Thank You for the hardships that make me question my genuineness. Thank You for the joys that catch me by surprise.  Thank You for the mysteries You give me to manage.  Thank You even now, when it feels too overwhelming for me.  
I'm tired.
There's love. 
I'm still here.
Father, be with me. 

In Jesus I pray,


"endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope. This hope will not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. 
-Romans 5:4-5 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Theology take home exam

So after I hand in my take home exam I have to share all of what I learned in the process! 

It's so good! 


*flops on the ground laughing*

Haha did I just do that?  By "that" I mean write out my actions rather than my thoughts.  Haha. (Because I didn't actually flop on the ground, although I did laugh when I finally got my grubby self away from the keyboard and books and into the shower haha) 

Oh gosh now I'm cringing at the display of my vulnerability. 

I hope I do remember to share.
But if I forget or I am swayed from posting it or it turns out that there are major errors in it--whatever might prevent me--I just want to say that God is sooooo vividly and epically profoundly loving, great, and in His Fatherhood has kept me in His rapturous company all throughout this take home exam. 

I did consider that I am anti social, but I'm actually not.  I love people!  I also need sleep and live in time.  Haha. 

My, my, my.  I feel no different than any other normal day with God, but something is different.  Maybe it's just that I finished my exam with so much pleasure, but maybe it's something else too.  Something deeply mysterious that I am given by God to manage.  :) 


A brief note: love

Gosh, it's just becoming more and more evident that there's just no time to waste in ignoring the need for love right in front of us, everywhere in every person.  

Life can slip from right under you by accident, from within you by disease, or from simple old age.  The brevity of time that we each have is apparent and the older I get the more I see how time is a created thing meant to also glorify God.  Day and Night.  We begin to get a glimpse of heaven from the time we spend in glorifying God.


The more we love, in line with what God tells us love is, (because it's possible to say you love yet not know or follow the actual meaning of it) the more we see how time glorifies God.  Our time, the minutes, hours, and days become full of His glory and so much meaning.  


Time in love is time with love.  Time loving others is time full of love.  

What is your time full of? 
What's taking up all your time? 

Is it love?  

Or is it worrying?  Video games?  Shopping?  Boredom?  Busyness? Tiredness? Stress?  ...

We all know life will eventually come to an end on this earth--meaning time will eventually reach max capacity.  Whatever is filling up your time right now is taking up your time.  The more time that's taken up the less we have of it.  Follow the logic here and understand that time is actually under our free will too!  Just not the amount we have of it.  God made time in order that we dwell on earth in love with Him, but along came sin and split us up.  When we believe in Jesus and how His death took that very sin away in order to reunite us to the love of the Father ...we get to fill our time back in love.  

Fight for love in your use of time. 

You will soon find that it won't be a matter of you searching for ways to love, because the need for love is stronger than your grasp of it.  The more you begin to understand and give real love to others the more you will see how it fills up  more and more time.  It's so needed by everyone, that's how everywhere it is.  

We need to love one another because time belongs to God.  There will be those that steal His created time for uses of their own, but let's fill up time with more love to combat them.  

Love from God never runs out.  Love never ends.  We love others from the forever springs of being loved by Love Himself.  

People need love because people need God.  Everyone needs love because everyone needs God every day.

I think loving others in some way should be our goal everyday, it doesn't have to be a certain way, but in some way.  

Because time is being filled up with something everyday, we are filling our time with something!  Let's fill it with love, because love is the best, the superior way.  

Christ is seen from love-layered lenses, Christ is heard from love that's loud, 
And Christ is known from love-leading minds.   

Love one another. 

Love one another.

Time is too short to not spend it full of love.  Fight for love in your time.  

"I want their hearts to be encouraged and joined together in love, 
so that they may have all the riches of assured understanding and have the knowledge of God’s mystery — Christ. (Colossians 2:2 HCSB)

Come to think of it, the only reason I can love others is because I love God.  I bring all myself to Him and receive His love, and when I love others it sometimes is wronged, and it still hurts when people don't love in return.  But I forget what love is in those brief moments of painful feelings.  Love is higher than that.  
It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. (1 Corinthians 13:7 HCSB)  All things?  Even painful things?  Yes.  Even painful things.  Love is more than a moment of feeling, it is God Himself in us...teaching us to live life in fullness of love.  Because life in eternity will be just that.  We will behold Jesus fully, in whom dwells God's fullness.  I think about it now and it makes more sense that I love being loved by God and that is precisely why I see love outpouring from my life onto others. Love comes from God.  It overflows.  

We fight to let ourselves be loved by Him.  


Thursday, March 19, 2015

What does the Holy Spirit do exactly?

PA little somethin' somethin' from my seminary assignment, just a tip of the iceberg too...

J. I. Packer wrote an excellent book about the work and focus of the Holy Spirit.  
\This is my quick recap of his main points that have helped me understand the what the Holy Spirit does in my life a little more distinctively.  20/15 vision is always better than a blurrier vision.

         For Packer, there are five P's that he focuses on when considering what the Holy Spirit does.                            
1.  Power
2.  Performance
3.  Purity
4.  Presentation
5.  Presence

But they are not all equal in emphasis.  Here are his main points.

Packer’s survey of the work of the Holy Spirit begins with power, supported by the descriptions in scripture that lead us to the pleasures of experiencing the power of God in our lives to strengthen, enable, and empower us to do something we otherwise could not have done on our own, albeit having a desire to.  Power, in Packer’s words, “speaks to an obvious and universal human need”, which he warns that if placed centrally can cause an egoistic and introverted indifference to the concerns of others, or place an inner focus or passivity in one’s heart much like that which is practiced in yoga self meditation.  

Secondly, performance is most aptly described as the gifts in each individual being used, and in this context regarding the work of the Spirit Packer is referring to our spiritual gifts.  Packer emphasizes the purpose of gifts in that they are all under one headship, for the benefit of believers, but most definitely that every member contributes to one another by displays of servitude that show honor to God, which are their spiritual gifts’ purpose.  An emphasis outside of the Christ-like character development will lead to incorrect usage of our spiritual gifts and understanding of the person and work of the Holy Spirit.  

Thirdly, purity is the focus of one’s experience of sin and the gradual understanding of its underlying constancy in everything we do, making us more and more aware of our need and desire to be cleansed.  Being purified is biblical but not central to the work of the Holy Spirit, and such wrong emphasis can lead again to an egoism of various sorts that dishonors the sanctifying person of the Holy Spirit.  Packer identifies this type of egoism as somber spirituality.  Somebody who sees how wretched their sin is, or how imperfect they are as believers, and remains unhealthily there.  

Fourthly, presentation is an awareness of things that utilize our experiences in concert with our rationality and emotions that then shape our responses.  These moments of understanding or clarity within individuals can often produce rich meaning and contentedness, whether by an (obsessive) sensation or affirmation of our respective flawed communities.  Some call this the "high" of the Spirit working in them.  However, the danger of an emphasis on the Holy Spirit’s work of illumination, without proper understanding of the process for examination, can open the doors for false notions to dilute one’s right awareness of Christ, and in the worst case scenario make the gospel message relative according to these unexamined presentations of the Holy Spirit.  

Packer brings us to the final and most important aspect of the work of the Holy Spirit: presence.  Simply put, presence is the Holy Spirit’s work of emphasizing Christ’s presence in us.  This embodies our intimacy in relationship with Jesus (presentation and right response), our transformation of character into His likeness (power, performance, and purity), and the intensifying certainty of our assurance that Jesus is our Lord and Savior.  All the other aspects of the work of the Spirit find their resolution in Jesus’s presence.  “…Lo, I am with you always…” (Matt. 28:20).  In summary, the Spirit works is to ultimately bring Jesus into one’s heart through genuine awareness; God is real, and God is in me.  

That is the work of the Holy Spirit, my friends.  

I agree with Packer, and I will come back to this post and expand a bit on each aspect because I find it really fascinating!


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Protection from all harm

The Lord will protect you from all harm; 
He will protect your life. 
The Lord will protect your coming and going both now and forever.
-Psalms 121:7-8

Isn't that so reassuring.  It's like "yes! Come on now!  Bring that good stuff in, I'm seeing some bad crap going on and I need proof that God is really good!"  Protection.  It's strange that we have such a need for it, and yet most of us seek for it in ourselves.  We think we can protect ourselves the best or we might think we know what protection looks like from our angle.  Which makes sense, we all have God-created abilities to react in a potentially dangerous situation such as an oncoming car, a bear approaching our camp, slipping on a wet floor, or avoiding that flat tire on the freeway.   Some may have keener abilities than others depending on their natural God-made instincts from birth or some may have had numerous amounts of practice and preparation for such events.  Regardless, even though we want to use evidence of our abilities to react or respond in dangerous situations as helpful or even life saving, we can all universally agree that not one person can protect themselves from ALL dangers.  Not one.  Let's even go so far as to agree that not even a whole spectrum of gathered people's working together could protect themselves from ALL dangers, albeit it's wise to do their best.  It's pretty much what the world and cultures have been doing since the beginning.  We want to flourish or live better, and depending on your definition of "live", that will entail all kinds of things: medical discoveries, healthy diets, education, habits, and social practices.  Everyone is working at "living" better, maybe that means longer or happier or more productively, but we can all agree that if someone prefers to live a degenerative life there is probably something wrong with them.  

Protection means life can improve.  Why?  Because in order to move along these currents of flourishing we need to be alive and well to do so!  You might argue that I'm using the word in too broad of a sense, but I just want to get at the root of the word.  Protection is not just what it immediately appears to be such as being shot at and wearing a protective vest or when you slip and someone protectively catches you before you fall.  Protection at a much deeper level is that now that the protection action has happened the protected life can continue.  What we do with our lives is a measure of how protected we are.  

I won't go into all the implications this leads to such as anxiety, fear, hypochondriacs, worry, and incessant paranoia, but I want to briefly reiterate the value of knowing and believing you are protected by God in this life and in the next.

This protection is not that you'll never get sick or that you'll never be seriously injured, hurt, or handicapped.  This protection is the deeper root of being able to live well, and I'll even go so far as to say it is the gift of living better because of those situations.  My point is that harm and suffering in this world will happen regardless of how much we try to protect ourselves from them.  This is not a bad thing, unless that's all you rely on.  God provides the most whole sense of the word "protection" by intertwining it with life and flourishing.  When you read:

"The Lord will protect you from all harm; He will protect your life. The Lord will protect your coming and going both now and forever."
-Psalms 121:7-8

I contend that this protection from all harm is the all encompassing harm of degeneration.  Harm is a life spent in stunted failure or a backward flow in languish.  Someone who loses an arm might be hurt, but if that person's life is spent joyfully living well because they use their testimony to point to the saving grace of God and how losing his arm actually made him more grateful for having the other arm and then realizing the preciousness of life which led to him walking more boldly in his dreams and so forth, then that person is flourishing as a result or by product of the action of what happened to his arm.  Now I'm not downplaying the agony of such hurtful instances, they are indeed painful and not one instance of pain is the same as another.  I want to show that this example was what protection from God looks like.  God's protection is life and a flourishing one at that. 

We may fail in our jobs, our schools, our relationships and in our health among many other failures.  Consider what you find to be a failure in your life right now. 

Seriously.  What do you think you've failed at in the past or in the present? 

I'm thinking more along the lines of circumstances that look to be harming your life. 

"The Lord will protect you from all harm; 
He will protect your life. 
The Lord will protect your coming and going both now and forever. 
-Psalms 121:7-8 

Believe that what is happening or has happened to you was allowed to occur because God knows what He is doing.  He is protecting you. 

Both now.
And forever, meaning eternity is yours.

Consider all your circumstances.  
Not a single one was without His protection. 
The question here is "what were You doing when that happened, and what are You doing now?"

You were made to flourish. 


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Words From You

"Reach down from heaven; rescue me from deep water, and set me free from the grasp of foreigners whose mouths speak lies, whose right hands are deceptive.

Set me free and rescue me from the grasp of foreigners whose mouths speak lies, whose right hands are deceptive."
Psalms 144:7-8, 11 

Words can hurt, especially when they come out of someone we love or someone we want to love.  Actions definitely hurt, especially when they are done against or without us.  

The power of words is mighty and can change the course of someone's attitude toward themselves or toward others.  Sometimes the words that are hurting us come from within ourselves, we hurt ourselves with our thoughts!  Does that mean that those are God's thoughts about us?  Clearly we think a lot of ungodly thoughts all day, we see something and it brings up some sort of ungodly image, for me sometimes I lay down to sleep and I start to remember some of the scariest movie images I've ever seen because I don't want to!  I scare myself, and that isn't God's doing.

So then where do these words come from?  They are shaped and influenced by tons of things: other people, media, music, books, magazine, television and so forth.

What you do with you eyes, ears, hands and body have an impact on what will come back around to you.  Monkey see, monkey do.  If you keep seeing the people on the Internet and their fantastic lifestyles in some faraway country then you will begin to see that as some sort of goal or standard of your own.  If you continue to look into fitness magazine or the food network then it's likely that those will become your standards and goals, regardless of if you reach them or not.  They are influencing your ideals.  Setting you up for the thoughts you will have later on.  And thoughts, as we all know from research, are the seeds of action. 

What is an ideal?  It's something we desire because it looks good to us.  Ideals are good to have, and in fact they help motivate us to do tons of good things.  If an ideal is set, consciously or subconsciously, then it has power over our thoughts throughout the day. 

What are your ideals and who did you hear them from?  Your Heavenly Father who loves you or someone else, a stranger to the family of God?  We are in this world and such exposures to the ideals and standards of others is practically inevitable.  But we do not belong to this world as it is, we belong to the family of God for whom we await His arrival to restore all of creation back to what it was meant to be.  (Romans 8:19-22)  So while we are in this world, we are hearing and seeing and doing all kinds of things, and being heard, seen and involved in the actions of others.  Our words stem from our ideals, and whatever we speak, see and do will have influence as it extends from our lives.  

There are so many people in need of your words, your actions and your very lives to be the thoughts that later speak to them when they are all alone.  Everyone is talking and doing something all day--even just one godly chit chat, one godly act of serving, one godly embrace or letter is enough to influence a person, including yourselves! 

I need my brothers and sisters to speak the ideals of God for me.  I need them, because late at night I start to hear the words influenced by foreigners who lie about my identity and my value.  I need your words, and I need them everyday. 

"But encourage each other daily, while it is still called today, so that none of you is hardened by sin’s deception."
Hebrews 3:13


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Not a day in vain!

We can do and try and work at all that we want to, but in the end life is not going to give us what we want all the time.  For Christians, we know that God will not always give us what we want all the time, but He gives us what we need all the time.  Trusting in God for this is the difficult part.  I'm sure you've heard that a 1000 times.  

Nevertheless, the reality in our lives is that our desires can feel so pressing.  They can be deeply set in our hearts, but does that mean they are good for us?  This is especially hard to trust God for when the desire looks almost impeccably "good" for us and all the people around us; something like desiring good health.  It can appear that wanting to be free from a disease or handicap is good, but it depends on what we define as the greatest good, the ultimate good.  Is it better to be energetically healthy yet not know God?  Or is it better to be healed of a handicap and have pride swell up in us that we look down on others?  I'm not saying this is your situation, but I'm offering that this could be some situations.  The healthy person may become sick as an almost automatic reaction to get on their knees and feel their need for God's help.  The handicap may be apt to do well in many things and yet feel humbled by their limitations and excel gratefully rather than autonomously.  God is always after our ultimate good, and along the way that may appear to us as His sabotaging our apparent (lesser) goods.  It is key to also realize that what we think is good could be what is overtaking our praise and worship of God.  For example, I might have a desire to have a better relationship with a friend, I may want to be closer to them and less judgmental of them, but the desire must stem from wanting to do so in love.  If the desire stems from anything else like my wanting to appear good to them, be included in their circle, or my wanting to not have to be stressed out or annoyed by them, then the desire is from a selfish motive.  This is not good, therefore God may use certain difficulties and circumstances to shape me up for the ultimate good.  The ultimate good is to somehow desire a better relationship because I love them, and not for any other reason less than that.  And this, I might argue, begins again from a deep understanding of God's love for me. 

 When God places me in a difficult situation I pray that I have the courage to see what He is teaching.  It's easy to want things to just disappear or somehow go the way we want them to without thinking about God's will, but God our Father thankfully does not acquiesce to our incessant shortsightedness.  

May the wellspring of love that exudes in our lives and the sleep we are given by God each night be a reminder that it is God who is at work in us.  Trust that He knows what He's doing since He's the only One who can do anything at all!  If we work we work by His blessing, if we build we build with His blueprint, and if we plan, we plan with His will to be done. 

This week, I pray that I (and you) be shown this very truth.  What's God doing in your life right now with your circumstances, relationships, and your character? 

God loves you.  God loves me so much.  He is wooing me to Himself everyday.  

Rest in His love, trust in His methods, and never live a day in vain.  

"Unless the Lord builds a house, 
its builders labor over it in vain; 
unless the Lord watches over a city, 
the watchman stays alert in vain. 
In vain you get up early and stay up late, working hard to have enough food — 

yes, He gives sleep to the one He loves." 
-Psalms 127:1-2 


Saturday, March 14, 2015

How do you know when Love is the real deal?

"All you Need is Love" was a popular Beatles song...and I had a shirt that once said the same thing.  People know it.  Love.  Is.  Powerful.  Which is strange because we all know money is powerful too, but love cannot be earned or bought.  It's a mystery to most, but if you believe in God and the love He showed by giving us His Son to die for our sinful natures, it becomes approachable and exceedingly overflowing. 

But how powerful?  What does love do for someone who has it?  Is love an "it" or "thing" or "verb"? Is it wrong to say that Love can encompass all of those things? I want to offer something I have been talking with God about a lot: loving others.  More specifically loving the people in our lives who we find it difficult to love.  Maybe for you that's a friend, teacher, brother, sister, mother, or father.  Maybe it's yourself.  Regardless, it's really helpful to know what it looks like and feels like and is like to love the person who is difficult to love. 

 I want to contend that everything means absolutely nothing if that person does not have love. 

In the words of one of my favorite movies: "love lifts us up where we belong." -moulin rouge 
(This movie is also a case in point for why I find it crucial to know what this highly potent thing called love is, otherwise we could end up dead or miserable like Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor's characters in the film.)

"If I speak human or angelic languages but do not have love, I am a sounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so that I can move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I donate all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body in order to boast but do not have love, I gain nothing."
(1 Corinthians 13:1-3 HCSB)

Maybe in these opening verses Paul is trying to say that it is possible to do many things that appear good, but in actuality reek of meaningless NOTHING.  Without love in all of the above mentioned things...it's useless.

Stop right now.  If you're doing something or anything that has no love (which we will define in the next section) then it's pointless. 

Love is NOT faith.
Love is NOT knowing God.
Love is NOT prayer.
Love is NOT giving your advice, words of encouragement, or any kind of talking.
Love is NOT even helping the poor or serving the needy.

Confused yet?  Good.  

So what is this love?  Is it a simple feeling?  An audible gesture or an abstract chemical reaction that we have no control over?  Is love buying someone flowers?  Is it hugging someone? Buying someone an extravagant gift?  Donating an organ? 

Maybe.  Could be.  But maybe not.  Maybe those are all loving actions, but they are not love in and of itself.  They're more like copycats or projections of love.  The real deal, genuine love as described in the infamous love chapter, is so in your face and concrete that there is no denying what is and is not love.  It's not a grey area, and there are no maybe or what ifs.  It's the real Love.  The ONLY love, and everything else is a copycat or phony.  But I could be wrong and I would highly encourage you to search and seek for answers of your own between you and God.

The basics of love are much more than what they appear to be, and refreshing ourselves with the truths found in 1 Corinthians 13 can help us examine where love is needed for our lives to be full of deep and rich grandiose meaning! 

Let's begin part 1 of looking at the simple definitions of love in 1 Corinthians 13.  I borrowed some definitions from the dictionary to help us remember that words have meaning and these meanings can lose their meaningfulness at times, so let's get real basic. 

Love is patient, 
Patient: adj. 
  1. bearing provocation, annoyance, misfortune, delay, hardship, pain, etc., with fortitude and calm and without complaint, anger, or the like.
Synonym: untiring

---> I know for me, when someone annoys me or gives me pain the first thing I want to throw back or let fester in me is either anger or indifference.  So this area, for me, definitely needs more grace and help.  This love sounds heavy: bearing, bearing, bearing.  I think patience resembles the "take up your cross and follow me" directive of Jesus in Matthew 16:24.  Loving through patience is heavy, but it is a powerful act of commitment to follow Christ as He bore all of our provocations, annoyances, misfortunes, delays, hardships, pains, and everything else without complaint or anger.   The most difficult times to be patient will probably be with your closest family members.  Lord, we need Your help!  Can I get an amen?  

love is kind. 
Kind: adj.
  1. of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person: a kind and loving person.
Synonym: gentle, thoughtful, understanding 

---> this is a nature.  Meaning it comes naturally.  I think the more I see myself as morally limbless, and incapable of anything good (being tactfully redundant here) the more I see how beautiful Jesus is to clothe me in His perfect kind gentleness.  So is this "clothing" mere mental imagery so that I remain the insensitive or rude jerk or do I actually become naturally kind and soft and gentle from the inside out?  When Christ clothes me, I am a totally different person.  I go from being naturally selfish to naturally compassionate, and that's because I use my past to recall when and where He reached out and gently held me;  which He did when I was willfully out of control, rebellious, cynical and apathetic towards Him.  I still am somewhat dubious towards Him at times, and even then He is gentle to me, thoughtful of my fears, and overall understanding of my weaknesses.  It's His nature.  Love being kindness, I think, is the love that thinks and thinks until it convinces the other of your compassion rather than judgment.  If someone constantly feels judged by you, perhaps this is an area of love that you can pray about.  How many friends do you know that will take your crap and give you compassion over judgment?  Or how many people have opened up to you about their crap (I mean the real freaky stuff, the secret sins that go on behind the smiling face kind of stuff?)  If a lot then you probably have this facet of love well in progress, and I'm sure your life is reaping much from it.  It's tricky, for sure.  But this is love that requires higher thinking from our end in order to get the ball rolling in all our relationships.  It's asking questions from the other angles, aside from the ones that first come to mind (ie: when someone offends you or yells at you, the first questions you might ask are "what the hell is wrong with them?"  or "why are they so dumb?"  But the higher question born in love through kindness might be: "what's going on in that person's personal life that I might not know about or what might I have done to make this person become angry?")  The kind of questions that empower the other person rather than shame them.  Nobody wants to open themselves up to judgment, but everyone needs compassion--each year the rate of depression rises and with that so does the need for compassion.  Judgment will often tune your words out to the other, but compassionate love are the keys you need to search for to open the doors.  The more you search and search for those keys with the Holy Spirit, the more this aspect of love is becoming your nature.  

Love does not envy, 
Envy: noun
  1. a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc.
Synonym: Ill will, lusting

---> so this one, I must say, surprises me more than any of the other attributes of love.  This is what love is NOT, so it's a negative, meaning it's probably going to be easier to spot in your life.  (Because, after all, we are first naturally sinful before we are regenerated into becoming like Christ.). One moment I'll be satisfied and joyful over how much God has blessed me and continues to surprise me, the next minute I'm creeping some hot couple on Instagram living vicariously through their photos.  I have to stop myself and examine what's going on, and maybe I'll try to momentarily make myself feel better by thinking they are probably miserable inside because they don't know God the way I do, but that's so wicked of me!  (although I'll be honest, the thought does make me feel really great for a few minutes because I go from missing out to having more, but that's not love, that's arrogance, and even though I do so love God and am loved by Him any sign of arrogance is quickly chastened away with the fact that I am still single and don't know how to file taxes or one of my eyes starts twitching like crazy) Love doesn't wish bad on others.  Love is rejoicing with those who have something beautiful like companionship or a hot guy or a nice body or a creative career.  Haha clearly, my love in this area has much work to go, but thank God He brought me this far!  It's definitely helpful for me to take note of where love stands in this area of envy.  Someone will always have something you want, but seeing love in your life is noticing how happy you are when or that they do have what you want.  Love that does not envy is another way of saying love is content and satisfied.  

is not boastful, 
Boast: verb
  1. to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride, especially about oneself.
Synonym: loudmouth 

--->  Some root their "boasting love" (or acceptance) in their job, some in their workout regime, still others in their poverty.  What makes you lovable?  What gives you the oomph to tell someone something you did that was good?  I tend to rely on my outstanding humor and charm, but I've recently learned that I actually have very little of that in certain circumstances--it easily fails me the more I am aware of others or the more I let others get close to me.  What makes you feel good about yourself?  This isn't a trick or rhetorical question.  What fills you up with that good feeling?  Or are you not full of that?  Are you chronically depressed?  Maybe you boast in your ability to stay quiet while you judge everyone on the inside.  What are you full of? Are you empty?  What's to boast or brag about in your life?  Do you have rank at your work or in a social organization?  Do you get the point yet?  You're going to boast from something.  Nobody boasts from nothing.  For me, my blog is my feel good.  Sometimes I think my ability to get along with anyone feels brag-worthy, my hair, my voice, my friends, my traveling history, my parents, my brother, my confidence, and on a really good day my accomplishment of a DIY project.  It's not bad to "feel good" about something.  The point I wanted to make about love on this was that love doesn't show and tell of itself.  It's so secure and deep that it doesn't need any proof beyond itself.  Feeling good is proof of something we might boast about.  However this facet of love, that love isn't boastful, reveals our insecurities most.  We might place our identity in this or that "feel good" but there is nothing that defines us that will last more than our years on earth.  For some that could be 20 years, for others up to 101 years.  Everyone dies eventually.  You might boast in your body, but that will get saggy and rot eventually.  You might boast in your job, but you might lose the ability to work by old age or accident.  You might boast in your money, but everyone knows money is a poor indication of someone's happiness.  Paul makes a statement to boast only in the cross, he said this because people kept trying to show and tell their Christian lifestyle, but someone who knows how wide and how deep is the love of Christ requires no proof.  Love is not boastful because it doesn't need proof of its power to empower.  The only reason you have a job or achievement is based on God's gift of breathing and muscle movements and brain functioning, and so forth.  Every good thing is a gift from God (James 1:17).  The next time you feel like bragging to yourself or to someone else remember that whatever you have or did is a gift that God gave you regardless of if you thanked Him for it or not, because God's love is not boastful--it's sure.  Likewise, a good way to tell if you love someone with this pure kind of love is to examine how much it affects you when they don't notice.  If it affects you a lot then your love IS boasting, but if it affects you very little how they respond to your "acts of sacrificial love" then perhaps your love is less boastful than most.  If someone is straight up angry or annoyed with you, that's a whole other story.  Love is not boastful, it's sure to empower.

is not conceited,
Conceited: adj.
  1. having an excessively favorable opinion of one's abilities, appearance, etc. 
Synonym: phony, self-important

---> We are all phony.  Image is such a beast of an idol in practically everyone.  We all want to matter, we want to have meaning, and so we all find ways to make ourselves matter.  Most of us try to find that one thing that we are good at: photography, engineering, cooking, designing, communicating, writing, administering, teaching, and so on.  If you're like me you may have ended  up exhausted from all the trying, searching, quitting and failing.  Maybe some of you have succeeded and found your niche, that's great, and I hope you're not conceited about it because when success happens it becomes easier to get caught up in conceit (pride, vanity), but that doesn't make it any less of an exception to the definition that love is not conceited.  If someone excels and is not not conceited, I would say that person has a deep and anchored fullness of real love, such persons, when you come across them are usually unforgettable.  On the other hand, I came to terms with the fact that I'm just not that good at anything!  At first I was self deprecating about it, and in fact I was pretty discontent with the massive failure that I was, but the more I pressed into the love that God has for me the more I found worthiness and beauty as a day that brightens with piercing light and clarity after a stormy rainfall.  I mattered when I looked at the cross and my past, present and future in God's perfect plan.  My life had meaning and it gave me wings!  It was glorious.  I still forget often, but when I recall who I am in Christ and the love that God daily gives me through every single second, then I'm satisfied again and again.  I have no demanding voice in my head telling me I need to matter or that I must do something or have something in order to be fulfilled.  That natural proclivity to matter may rear its ugly head and begin to weigh down on me on any given day, but when I examine my heart for where love should be, and when I ask God to make it very clear to me that He loves me, that pure love, that love that needs no other thing to satisfy, that becomes my importance and value.  From the love that God fills me with, from that love that is pure and so satisfying, from such love I notice an overflow of my contentment doing things more light heartedly.  Serving others becomes a by-product rather than a chore of who I am (which is always an amazing experience to notice after the serving has been done).  Love is not conceited, it is humble and meek.  It finds no need to have more than what it is.  It has no extra demands or longings.  This aspect of love shows an obvious overlapping of the other facets of love mentioned above.  Love without conceit bears all things from having so much love within to give for those without, it is naturally more kind because it lacks nothing and knows that it depends on nothing, it is fully satisfied, and the purity of its contents within a person drives out whatever might try to dilute it (fear, worry, anxiety, anger).  When love is not conceited it is not looking for more value, worth or meaning outside of itself.  This love, like all the other facets of love, looks at Jesus, the only saving Love that gave me everything for nothing of my own.  When you love others without conceit it is loving from a fullness of love given to you and practically (and often accidentally) spilling out to others.  You hardly notice when love such as this is even happening!  It's usually more recognized by you in retrospect.  

-1 Corinthians 13:4

Recap: love is...
Patient- cross bearing (feels heavy to bear with someone's obstacles) 
Kind- thinks and thinks to convince the other of compassion not judgment (naturally)
Not envy- content and satisfied
Not boastful- empowers without words or works
Not conceited- unaware of when it's happening

God is love. 
God loves you.
Be awestruck in love! 
