Monday, July 28, 2014

Starbucks sinning

Let's talk about idols, or in other words things we look to to meet our needs (obviously looking away from God).  Things we admire more than God.  Things we place an importance on more than God.  Things we will kill for.  

Sin enslaves us, and we can spot their filthy stains on our soul.

David described sin as : "There is no soundness in my flesh because of Your indignation; There is no health in my bones because of my sin.

My wounds grow foul and fester Because of my folly. (Psalms 38:3, 5 NASB)

We are enslaved idolaters.
We serve work.
We serve ourselves.
Idols could be our kids, our parents, our lovers, and even our churches or ministries.
We serve control, time, money.
We serve vanity.
We are surrounded by the demands of idols in every area of our lives.
They are there, ravenous for our souls.
They disguise themselves in the "what" of things, but their true form is in the "why" of things.  

Why do I get so upset when the Starbucks lady gets my drink wrong?
First, because a regular latte is full fat, and not as healthy.  It has more calories than a soy latte. So the idol "Beauty" is upset. 
Second, I spent money (even though it was not my money initially but a gift card given to me) and now that money has been wasted or not optimally used.  I got ripped off, and failed to handle what was given me.  So the idol "money" and "success" are angry.
Thirdly, I now cannot drink what I bought and wanted in the first place, and not getting what I want is tangibly upsetting.  The idol "myself" is steaming at the ears.

When my idols are not served they become very upset, and I am slave to their desires.  Their unmet desires manifest in my action to sin (in this case-become angry)

And there are many more idols, but let's look at the ones here:
Beauty, money, success, myself. 
These are idols because they are "why" I am upset. 
When looking only at the "what" of what happened- in this case I got the wrong latte and it was upsetting-it's easy to shirk it off as normal and nothing.  However, asking "why" reveals the true beast behind the little twist of rage (or jealousy, gossip, hatred, or whatever sin might appear) within me, which can then shine the light on bigger issues where sin occurs.  Starting with the simple offenses help us sift to the deeper more complicated ones like picking the debris out of a wound.  Get out the dirt first, then you can more clearly see what festers beneath that causes that area to rot. 

The sin in this simple case reveals anger, idolatry, greed, vanity, selfishness, and pride; whatever is causing me to produce sin needs to be cut off.   But before I examine the "how", I want to share some of the hindrances to getting there.

I am afraid at times that if I cut off one sin, it will result in the possibility of two things: 1.  I will lose my acknowledgment of being a desperate sinner utterly in desperation for Jesus, and 2.  I will find that in it's place grows something else (a new sin) for which I will not be prepared for.

Both are illogical.  I delude myself into thinking I can somehow attain perfection in this earthly tent (this physical life), especially when it is a particularly dominating, habitual sin, because letting go of such a powerful incrimination in my life does produce a sense of real freedom--and that freedom is often mistaken for bliss.  In this fear it is the lie that suddenly God will be unnecessary to me, and that in itself is innately terrifying.  The latter deludes me to think that the next sin will be something I must handle myself rather than being something Christ has already overcome (indicating a sheer fear of the unknown and incapability on my part).  An ironic dichotomy. 

It will be a responsibility of mine to be prepared only through prayer, fellowship with the body of Christ and the renewing of my mind with the help of the Holy Spirit through scripture.

I have all that I need to outwit, overcome, and obliterate whatever sin that comes my way.  

How? You might ask.

It is by seeing that Jesus is enough for me, and therefore I have the grace to stand down and give Him every battle.  

When I see that Jesus is all I need then Beauty loses it's luster.  Money becomes whatever.  Success is laughable. And Myself, myself is wretched, powerless, hopeless, and doomed to hell if not for the saving grace of Jesus who died and finished the war for my soul.  

I am free to stop thinking of myself, and to begin thinking of others.  

I am free to give generously.

I am free to serve others.

I am free to not get angry when the Starbucks barista gives me a regular latte instead of a soy one.  ;)


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