Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Bad days

I'm afraid of a bad day, but I was struck by the fact that without any bad days I won't know what a good day is, really.  I'll just have a bunch of whatever days, nothing to rejoice over because there were no risks involved.  No real victories if there isn't a battle.  

Thinking about it made me feel silly that I was so afraid of a bad day.  Instead bad days are what make good days great days.  Perhaps even a spectacular day.  I love spectacular days, but I can only remember them as a child, and that's just not okay.  I'm not talking about a good day like a promotion or winning an award or anything like that.  I mean spectacular in that it's so good you are lost and contentment just overflows.  I remember...
I was maybe 9 or 10, in the living room on the floor and fully engulfed in the adventures of the boxcar children.  While I was reading I could hear plinking and plunking of pots and pans that were good because they were the sound of "mother is here".  I would be reading and the smell of slightly browned chocolate chip cookies would create music in the atmosphere.  But my favorite was when I had been lying on my back with the book held above my head, so enamored by the story that when I finally finished my arms would sort of reconnect with my body and I would laugh realizing I was straining the entire time, and they'd fall like frozen jelly to the floor.  I would laugh so hard, utterly in a bubble of bliss.  
The most spectacular thing about that time was the fact that I had everything I wanted, and so I was freaking elated at frozen jelly arms!

But life chokes us with false securities, false threats, false desires that claim to fulfill us.  More money, a better body, a relationship, a specific accomplishment, etc!  All that makes it impossible to be content with jelly arms.  You know?  How can you take joy in the fact that what you have is enough when you focus on what you should have instead?  Sure we need money to pay rent and feed ourselves, we need to cultivate our relationships well, and accomplishments are nice, but none of those things will happen by worrying.  In fact all of those things will bring in bad days as well as good, but right now there is something of true value that will last forever.  It's sweeter than honey, and it's more desirable than whatever you view as precious as gold.  It is the Word of the Lord.  
God is good and in Him there are the most spectacular days.  

So don't be afraid to have a bad day. It'll pass, and the when the good day rolls around you'll have reason to savor every moment.  Every good day will turn into a great day, every blessing will be a surprise gift from God.  A surprise to you, but definitely intentional from God. 

Let the bad days come, and let them go, because they will leave regardless of what you do.  They'll come regardless too.  And that's the way it is and in the meantime find strength as you run to the Lord in every rough season, in every bad day. 

Don't be afraid.
It's scary to let things go because they might go bad, but if you hold on to that false security you not only miss out on the great days, but you bog yourself down with worry and fear.  

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6

No rush, just let the Word of the Lord take residence in you, and meditate on His spectacular love for you.

I pray you be transformed today by the power of the Holy Spirit.  

It's not your job to control the universe, but you can run to Him who does.  Ask Him what's up with this?  And let the bad days come and let them go.  Let the good days get spectacular. 


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