Monday, March 2, 2015

Oh Gentle Soul

Oh gentle soul feeling trapped inside 
A hardened case of fears or pride 
There's hope in Christ who sees you there,
That overwhelming hurt met with His care.

Yes, it hurts and yes it's hard
Again to abandon your old guard.
Breathe in and out and think dear one,
Think on Jesus, God's begotten Son.

He broke the bread "take and eat it; this is My body"
He took a cup, gave thanks and gave it "drink from it, all of you."

"For this is My blood that establishes the covenant; 
shed for many for the forgiveness of sins." 

Oh gentle soul He handed you bread,
he poured the wine when you felt dead. 
Remember again what He established,
Shed his blood with "it is finished."

Torrent seas that overwhelm
Crying out to still the storm
Take hold, dear soul, of the table's edge 
Take hold, dear soul of His true pledge

Sit down oh child, once again.
Be still, be calm at the table's edge.
Feel the cloth and cup in your frail hand
Close your eyes, 

"But I tell you, from this moment I will not drink of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it in a new way in My Father’s kingdom with you.” (Matthew 26:29)

Oh gentle soul, gentle and strong.
His body and blood is our covenant song
Sorrowful was the day He shared the news
A waterfall of tears of all He'd loose.

Remember the sorrow when He spoke of death,
He prayed for God's will to be done instead.
Oh gentle soul He looked at you,
From the first day to now, God knew what to do.

So stand down, gentle soul,

Let the storms come.
Let the storms come.

Hum that good covenant song,
At the table's edge where you belong.  

Safe and secure 
No matter what's going on,
Oh gentle soul,
Jesus wears the crown.


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